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Posts posted by conorod

  1. Hi.I am making a HTML Editor, and one of the features I am including is a form to let users create their own scrollbar styles. I thought it would be good, though, to have a few pre-made ones for them.So if anyone has ANY scrollbar styles(or any other handy bits of css, those would also be good!) please post them here.

  2. Hi, I am trying to work on a completely contenteditable page - that is, every element can be moved and(depending on the element) resized. Here is my code so far: To show my problem to you, I will give you my HTML code. Paste it into a HTML page and then read below.

    <html> <head> <head> <style> <!-- .DraggableElement { position:relative; cursor:move } --> </style> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var CanMoveElement=false var myElement,x,y function MoveHTMLElement(){ if (event.button==1&&CanMoveElement){ myElement.style.pixelLeft=temp1+event.clientX-x myElement.style.pixelTop=temp2+event.clientY-y return false } } function Drag(){ if (!document.all) return CanMoveElement=true myElement=event.srcElement temp1=myElement.style.pixelLeft temp2=myElement.style.pixelTop x=event.clientX y=event.clientY document.onmousemove=MoveHTMLElement } document.onmousedown=Drag document.onmouseup=new Function("CanMoveElement=false") //--> </script> </head> </head> <body contenteditable=true> <input class="DraggableElement" contenteditable=true> </input> </body> </html>

    Create a HTML page with that code. It looks fine. Now try moving the textbox. That works fine also. Now try RESIZING the textbox. You will see that it tries to move it as well as resize it, creating an ugly mess. This is my problem. Is there any way that I can get the above script to first check if the element is being resized? I know that there are complete scripts out there I could use, and I also know I could build in a Keyboard shortcut(like hold shift to resize it), but if at all possible I would like to keep this as simple as possible, and code it by myself(with the exception of this bit). Thanks for your help,cod.

  3. Hi Everyone,I'm new to the forums, and I wanted to ask for ideas for a HTML Editor I am making.So far, I have:-Insert Color/Character Codes-Popup Lists Of tags & Attributes-Automatically Inserts End Tags - if you type "<a>", it automatically types "</a>"-Logo Generator-Rollover Button Generator-XHTML Validation(not with w3.org)-VBScript --> Javascript Converter-HTML Encryption-Built In Javascript Snippets-Script Support - If you type "Sub s()" in VBScript, it types "End Sub"-A small amount of intellisense for vbs & js-Clip Art-Preview-Split View-Line Numbering-PropertyGrid Showing Properties Of Tags.-Open From Web-Recently Edited Files List(File --> Recent Files)-SpellCheck-Tag Info - Gives a description of any tag & browser support info-Choose what browser to preview your webpage in-Preview your webpage at different sizes-Syntax HighlightingIs there anything else that you think I should add to this editor? Or anything that your current editor has that I don't, even if you don't like that feature(almost all the features in my editor can be turned on or off in the options dialog anyway).I appreciate any feedback.

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