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Posts posted by bigt95nt0110

  1. Below is the full code I'm running.

    <?phpinclude_once('../autoloader.php');ini_set('display_errors', 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);$feed = new SimplePie();$feed->set_feed_url('http://simplepie.org/blog/feed/');$feed->init();$feed->handle_content_type();foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item){    foreach ($item->get_enclosures() as $enclosure)    {        echo $enclosure->embed();        echo "here<br>"    }}?>

    The loop executes for each $enclosure but no output but "here"

  2. Below is a snipit of code that I got from SimplePie that is suppose to parse an enclosure for it's contents, but when I run it I get a blank page. I know that the feed has enclosure tags present. What am I missing?

    $feed = new SimplePie();$feed->set_feed_url('http://simplepie.org/blog/feed/');$feed->init();$feed->handle_content_type();foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item){    foreach ($item->get_enclosures() as $enclosure)    {        echo $enclosure->embed();    }}
  3. Below there are two blocks of code that allow user to login to a secure site. NOTE: both blocks are striped down for simplicity.Block 1 is a stripped down form where the username and the password are explicitly assigned in "value=" assignment. When exexecuted  every thing works fine and the user is taken to the appropriate page. However if block 2 is executed the user is presented with a another login page.Can anyone point me in the right direction??Thanks   //Block 1<body><form action="https://www.mystuff.org/login" method="get" name="login">	<input type="text" id="inputEmailHandle" name="inputEmailHandle" value="mememe@gmail.com">			<input id="inputPassword" type="password" name="inputPassword" autocomplete="off" value="123">	<label> </label> 	<button type="submit">Log In</button></form></body>//BLOCK 2<body><?phpinclude('simple_html_dom.php')$url="https://www.mystuff.org/login?inputEmailHandle=mememe%40gmail.com&inputPassword=123";    $html= file_get_html($url);?></body>
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