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Posts posted by damini_dd

  1. Hello Friends, I am new to java script. I am using it in ASP. In that I got one button to delete record. If I click on delete button it should dispaly window for confirming. I used confirm, but I want cancel to be selected by default. and if user select OK, it should execute my asp script wiht parameter. My code is as below :<img src="button_images/delete.jpg" width="61" height="22" onclick="deleteRec(<%=i%>)"></div><script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> function deleteRec(i) { confirm("Are you sure?") if(confirm != 0) { window.location="DeleteTourismData?id=" & i } else { window.location="viewevents.asp" } }thanks

  2. Hello FriendsI am new to ASP. I am developing one application having links to many ASP pages. But my application starts with login page. If i enter valid user name and password then it opens a ASP page with various buttons for different activities. But my problem is I don't allow anyone to directly execute my any asp page just typing path of that ASP page in address bar. If they directly try to execute any other ASP source without entering username and password it should nt allow. Plz help me soon.Thanksdamini

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