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Posts posted by cjaffar

  1. Could u give ur code ?but are u thinking of something like this.?
    <textarea name="interest">Profile:</textarea><?php$profile = $_POST['interest'];$user = "Here u should have their User";$query = mysql_query("UPDATE your_database SET your_colum = '$profile'  WHERE user = '$user'")if (!$query){echo "there whas an error";}?>

    no, sir. try
    <!-- your html tags will come here together with all input, form, etc. --e.g. <form> Username: <? echo $user; ?> note; you will have to use echo to read each input/output --><textarea><?php echo $profile; // i assume it's only only the interest field ?></textarea>

    your mysql_query code will come after the 'submit' button is clicked. did it help??

  2. I have created a members area and database that allows users to register etc.all works fine. Members can make a search for other members with certain criteria and view each members profile.Now im stuck....I want to produce an option for members to edit their own profile, some way of showing them their own info, which i know how to do. But not in an input field that they can then edit.
    try using <textarea> <?php //code inputting data from the table; ?> </textarea>.
  3. on w3schools.com i was reading a tutorial on xhtml. there, it states some attribues not valid in base, head, html, meta, param, script, style, and title elements - especially the id attribute. i then was looking at w3.org. i came across the following in chapter 'C.14. Referencing Style Elements when serving as XML'"In HTML 4 and XHTML, the style element can be used to define document-internal style rules. In XML, an XML stylesheet declaration is used to define style rules. In order to be compatible with this convention, style elements should have their fragment identifier set using the id attribute, and an XML stylesheet declaration should reference this fragment"misleading tutorial ??? help

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