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Posts posted by AndrewSmith

  1. I am having trouble with the onload attribute of the <body> of my page. I am not well experienced with this. I am trying to use onload to load a cookie when someone loads the page, all the cookie does is remembers there name. But it is nice so I want to apply it anyway. Here is what I am trying to do.


    <link rel="javascript" type="text/javascript" href="Cookie.js"/>

    <body onLoad="getCookie();setCookie();checkCookie();" vlink=red link=blue text=grey>


    The functions getCookie();setCookie();checkCookie(); are in Cookies.js, but they wont work. Does anyone know if I can even do this? and if so than can you help me?

  2. So, what you are saying is that I need two timeouts, one controling time the image that will be displayed and the other controling opacity of the image being displayed. But I don't know how to do the opacity part, how am I supposed to combinediv{opacity:0.5;filter:Alpha(opacity=50);}and the timeout? And for the image all I need to do is place <div></div> on both ends of the <img> tag, with a specified bgimage for the div. correct?

  3. Helo again, I (again) am bringing up this topic because I thought that I got it working but did not. I am trying to set up my cycling banner so that when one image ends it fades out, and as that image fades out, the next one fades in. Here is what I have for my script. In the head<script>imgArray = new Array(4);imgArray[0] = new Image;imgArray[0].src = "epicgamer.jpg";imgArray[1] = new Image;imgArray[1].src = "atv.jpg";imgArray[2] = new Image;imgArray[2].src = "awar.jpg";imgArray[3] = new Image;imgArray[3].src = "banana.jpg";imgArray[4] = new Image;imgArray[4].src = "war.jpg";imgArray[5] = new Image;imgArray[5].src = "bird.jpg";imgArray[6] = new Image;imgArray[6].src = "cannon.jpg";imgArray[7] = new Image;imgArray[7].src = "cross.jpg";imgArray[8] = new Image;imgArray[8].src = "dragracer.jpg";imgArray[9] = new Image;imgArray[9].src = "escape.jpg";imgArray[10] = new Image;imgArray[10].src = "face.jpg";imgArray[11] = new Image;imgArray[11].src = "game.jpg";imgArray[12] = new Image;imgArray[12].src = "goal.jpg";imgArray[13] = new Image;imgArray[13].src = "happy.jpg";imgArray[14] = new Image;imgArray[14].src = "hgame.jpg";imgArray[15] = new Image;imgArray[15].src = "hocky.jpg";imgArray[16] = new Image;imgArray[16].src = "logix.jpg";imgArray[17] = new Image;imgArray[17].src = "mania.jpg";imgArray[18] = new Image;imgArray[18].src = "math.jpg";imgArray[19] = new Image;imgArray[19].src = "maze.jpg";imgArray[20] = new Image;imgArray[20].src = "ngame.jpg";index = 0;function cycle(){document.banner.src = imgArray[index].src;index++;if (index == 21){index = 0;}setTimeout("cycle()", 2000);return;}</script> In the body<table align=center bordersize=10 bordercolor=#999999><tr><td><img src="epicgamer.jpg" name="banner" width="700" height="400"></td></tr></table>

  4. This might help, all you have to do is learn what the symbols you want are in javascript ant input it into the code.Here is a calculator that I made, feel free to take it and use it. <html><head><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">function addChar(input, character) { if(input.value == null || input.value == "0") input.value = character else input.value += character}function cos(form) { form.display.value = Math.cos(form.display.value);}function sin(form) { form.display.value = Math.sin(form.display.value);}function tan(form) { form.display.value = Math.tan(form.display.value);}function sqrt(form) { form.display.value = Math.sqrt(form.display.value);}function ln(form) { form.display.value = Math.log(form.display.value);}function exp(form) { form.display.value = Math.exp(form.display.value);}function deleteChar(input) { input.value = input.value.substring(0, input.value.length - 1)}function changeSign(input) { if(input.value.substring(0, 1) == "-") input.value = input.value.substring(1, input.value.length) else input.value = "-" + input.value}function compute(form) { form.display.value = eval(form.display.value)}function square(form) { form.display.value = eval(form.display.value) * eval(form.display.value)}function checkNum(str) { for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var ch = str.substring(i, i+1) if (ch < "0" || ch > "9") { if (ch != "/" && ch != "*" && ch != "+" && ch != "-" && ch != "." && ch != "(" && ch!= ")") { alert("incalculable") return false } } } return true}</SCRIPT></head><BODY><FORM NAME="sci-calc"><TABLE CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="3" ALIGN="center" BORDER="10" COLOR="black"><TR><TD COLSPAN="5" ALIGN="center"><INPUT NAME="display" VALUE="0" SIZE="28" MAXLENGTH="25"></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" exp " ONCLICK="if (checkNum(this.form.display.value)) { exp(this.form) }"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 7 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '7')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 8 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '8')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 9 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '9')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" / " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '/')"></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" ln " ONCLICK="if (checkNum(this.form.display.value)) { ln(this.form) }"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 4 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '4')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 5 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '5')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 6 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '6')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" x " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '*')"></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" sqrt " ONCLICK="if (checkNum(this.form.display.value)) { sqrt(this.form) }"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 1 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '1')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 2 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '2')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 3 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '3')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" - " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '-')"></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" sq " ONCLICK="if (checkNum(this.form.display.value)) { square(this.form) }"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 0 " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '0')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" . " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '.')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" +/- " ONCLICK="changeSign(this.form.display)"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" + " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '+')"></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" ( " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, '(')"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="" ONCLICK="if (addChar(this.form.display.value)) { (this.form) }"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" sin" ONCLICK="if (checkNum(this.form.display.value)) { sin(this.form) }"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" tan" ONCLICK="if (checkNum(this.form.display.value)) { tan(this.form) }"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" ) " ONCLICK="addChar(this.form.display, ')')"></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="AC" ONCLICK="this.form.display.value = 0 "></TD><TD ALIGN="center" COLSPAN="3"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="backspace" ONCLICK="deleteChar(this.form.display)"></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="=" NAME="enter" ONCLICK="if (checkNum(this.form.display.value)) { compute(this.form) }"></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM></BODY><FORM NAME="sci-calc"></html> excuse the on and off the the capitalization.

  5. Ok, I am an idiot and do not know were exactly to put the two things. This is what I did. <html><title>Extreme Gamer®</title><head><link href='http://www.shbonline.info/asmith/font.ttf' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><style type="text/css">body{background-image:url('bgimga.jpg');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top center;margin-right:75px;h1 { font-family: 'font.ttf', arial, serif; }}</style><LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://www.shbonline.info/asmith/epicgamer.ico"><script> But it does not work. font.ttf is my font file.

  6. Ok, I have been searching the web for two weeks now and can not find anything to help. I am trying to change the font in my web page http://shbonline.info/asmith/gamesite.html from the default to Pricetown LET. I am working with the raw script, I only have Gedit and don't even know how to use it. All I want to know is how to install the font to my fathers web server. I can only access my own section on his domain. If anyone can help then that would be great. Thanks in advance.

  7. I am having trouble with finding a way to add a fadding effect to my cycling banner. I was wondering if anyone knew what to add to the following script. <script>imgArray = new Array(4);imgArray[0] = new Image;imgArray[0].src = "epicgamer.jpg";imgArray[1] = new Image;imgArray[1].src = "atv.jpg";imgArray[2] = new Image;imgArray[2].src = "awar.jpg";imgArray[3] = new Image;imgArray[3].src = "banana.jpg";imgArray[4] = new Image;imgArray[4].src = "war.jpg";imgArray[5] = new Image;imgArray[5].src = "bird.jpg";imgArray[6] = new Image;imgArray[6].src = "cannon.jpg";imgArray[7] = new Image;imgArray[7].src = "cross.jpg";imgArray[8] = new Image;imgArray[8].src = "dragracer.jpg";imgArray[9] = new Image;imgArray[9].src = "escape.jpg";imgArray[10] = new Image;imgArray[10].src = "face.jpg";imgArray[11] = new Image;imgArray[11].src = "game.jpg";imgArray[12] = new Image;imgArray[12].src = "goal.jpg";imgArray[13] = new Image;imgArray[13].src = "happy.jpg";imgArray[14] = new Image;imgArray[14].src = "hgame.jpg";imgArray[15] = new Image;imgArray[15].src = "hocky.jpg";imgArray[16] = new Image;imgArray[16].src = "logix.jpg";imgArray[17] = new Image;imgArray[17].src = "mania.jpg";imgArray[18] = new Image;imgArray[18].src = "math.jpg";imgArray[19] = new Image;imgArray[19].src = "maze.jpg";imgArray[20] = new Image;imgArray[20].src = "ngame.jpg";index = 0; function cycle() {document.banner.src = imgArray[index].src;index++;if (index == 21){index = 0;}setTimeout("cycle()", 2000);return;}</script>All I want it to do is fade out of one image and into the next within one second.Thanks in advance.

  8. I want it to when I hover my mouse curser over the numbers to display the name of a game in the display box on the top.But when the mouse is not over the numbers I want it to display 0. basically a hyper link rollover but instead of changing an image, it changes text.

  9. I want the banner to cycle in order of the images that are inputed. this is what I have but I don't know what to change the scripting to.<HTML><HEAD><script>imgArray = new Array(4);imgArray[0] = new Image;imgArray[0].src = "bluearrow.gif";imgArray[1] = new Image;imgArray[1].src = "redarrow2.gif";index = 0; function select() {index=Math.floor(Math.random()*2);document.banner.src=imgArray[index].src;setTimeout("select()", 20);return;}</SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY onLoad="select();" align=left><IMG SRC="bluearrow.gif"NAME="banner"WIDTH=400HEIGHT=100></BODY></HTML> I just made this recently but forgot how to change it back to sequence.

  10. I am trying to make an update for my game site and would like to make it look like a calculator. I am having troubles with making the linkes to the games look like calculator buttons and making them work. also I am trying to make a display box that displays the game's name when you hover the mouse over the button. This effect will be needed since the people using the site wont be able to see the game's name. This is what I have.<html><BODY TEXT="red"><FORM NAME="gamesite2"><TABLE CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="5" ALIGN="center" BORDER="10" BORDERCOLOR="black"><TR><TD COLSPAN="5" ALIGN="center"><INPUT NAME="display" VALUE="0" SIZE="25" MAXLENGTH="25"></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/Age-of-War.swf">^</a><TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/airhocky.swf">7</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/AngryyBirds.swf">8</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/atv-offroad-thunder.swf">9</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/bikemania2[1].swf">/</a></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/dragracerv3.swf">ln</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/endlesswar3[1].swf">4</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/Goal-in-One(awesome).swf">5</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/happy-wheels.swf">6</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/helicoptergamewewt.swf">x</a></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/KittenCannon.swf">sqrt</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/Logix(cool).swf">1</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/N-Game.swf">2</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/Parking-Perfection-2.swf">3</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/pool(GREAT!!).swf">-</a></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/regularpong.swf">sq</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/Sniper-Escape(cool).swf">0</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/tenpinbowling.swf">.</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/tgmotocross2.swf">+/-</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/The-Maze.swf">+</a></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://shbonline.info/asmith/experiment/WorldsHardestgame.swf">(</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://www.shbonline.info/asmith/gamesite.html">g</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://www.shbonline.info/asmith/designer.html">sin</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://www.shbonline.info/asmith/allmypages.html">tan</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://www.shbonline.info/asmith/404.html">)</a></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://www.coolmath.com">AC</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://www.englishbanana.com">-/</a></TD><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center"><a href="http://www.facebook.com">=</a></TD></TR></button</TABLE></FORM></BODY><FORM NAME="sci-calc"></html>I realy need help with this. this is my game site if you want to visit it. http://www.shbonline...h/gamesite.html Thanks in advance.

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