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Posts posted by LittleSam

  1. SEO folks widely agree that the signals that influence a page's rankings include:Keywords in the title tag. Keywords in links pointing to the page. Keywords appearing in visible text. Link popularity. (PageRank for Google) of the page. Keywords in Heading Tag H1,H2 and H3 Tags in webpage. Linking from one page to inner pages. Placing punch line at the top of page. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_optimizationIn the sites I've done, SEO emphasis is on (as you mention) document titles, keyword and content metas.

  2. If I understand your problem...What really launches excel lives on the user's system. If the system doesn't recognize excel extensions, nothing will happen. If the browser says "hey I know excel extensions", then it will launch excel embedded within the browser.At that point, the file is already done. Any XML + Stylesheet to create an excel file has to be done, basically (which Java or VB would do). Nothing JS can do for you because your response type isn't HTML ot text/html.

  3. Self taught/study html and css. I want to start a new career as a web designer. I know 90% of HTML and 85% CSS, and still learning everyday. I did a little research for jobs as a web designer, and so far the qualifications I seen. You need skills in Php, Javascripts, Xhtml, Mysql, Flash , Dreamweaver,Perl and Photoshop. Now that’s to much, is it really necessary to know all that to become a web designer, or they just saying that it's required to know a few. I not made for school, and I already took classes on A+ and Network +, and Im kind of fed up with school, and still not getting far enough with all the run around. But Im really interested in web design, and don’t want to have to go back 4 another 1 or 2 yrs of school. And Im still going to teach my self what there is I need to know to become a WD. But what I really want to know is, what are the real main web programs to learn and to become a WD. I already know html/css, and I play around with photoshop and dreamweaver, but I prefer to use notpad or wordpad, I have better control. And I already done a few pages of my own for practice. But it’s not the same as working in the field with professionals in a office/business. I don’t want to burn my brains studying what’s not necessary. What are the main things I need to learn?
    I've been a web developer for ten years. When I got my first full-time gig, I was a "designer". What got the job for me was not my skills in html and JS, which were hardly proven at the time, but 1) artistic ability and 2) proven ability to learn.I thought I knew it all. I would have claimed that I knew 90% of html (CSS was hardly around at the time).I have since learned - even as recently as today - that whenever I think I have it all down, I have room to grow.As for what you should study, answer this: what to you want to do?Do you want to make websites pretty? Learn photoshop. Don't think that learning it will make you an artist, though.Do you want to make websites that do amazing stuff? Learn JavaScript and look in to learning JSP or PHP, maybe even AJAX.Want to make websites that are usable and intuitive? Study usability.Don't get hung up on learning one thing and thinking you'll do that when you're done learning. Things change. I've wasted lots of time on learning the "big thing" and missed lots of opportunities to get on board with the next thing.In addition to all of your studying, DO stuff. Make websites for yourself, for your family, friends, local businesses... make it happen. I learn more every day by DOING than by INPUTTING.Best wishes.
  4. Now i got new idea, what should i do if i want the 3 image not changing the size and creating a new size image below the <p>Click Refresh (or Reload) to run the script again</p>.
    Well, one thing you could do is to go ahead and put a placeholder image there in your source and give it an ID. When you mouseover your smaller image, you call a method that - instead of modifying what was moused over, modifies the other image's "src" property.Or, you could but a <div> down there with an ID and when you mouse-over, instead of changing your image sources, change the innerHTML property of the div to be a new image.It sounds like you may be trying to set up a photo gallery of sorts? If so, google for "Javascript Photo Gallery" or go here for one.Chances are, if you're trying to do something, it's been done already. I appreciate understanding what's going on, but there's no crime or sin in borrowing what already works and THEN figuring it out.
  5. If you ask me to interpret, then my original recommendation is exactly what this means. They were sparse about what the form fields would be exactly, so begin by anticipating that you have to validate that fields are at least not blank or not all spaces if indicated that they are required... or if no indication of required is given, then assume that ALL fields are required. Hope that helps.

  6. Not exactly sure what's causing this because so much of your source is called or written dynamically. That, in part, may be the problem.I did notice that you do have some errors in your css. Start by addressing those:p { font-size: smaller:}end with ";".gwt-TabBar .gwt-TabBarItem {...cursor: hand;...}No such animal.sc-ReportTableHeader {... border: 0px 0px 1px 0px solid #AAAAAA; border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;}.sc-LabelHeader { font-size: normal; font-weight: bold;}no such animal

  7. Is there someone other than a judge - perhaps an avdisor or a cohort who have been through this competition before who could give advice?Otherwise, can you post the rubric? It might be clearer to a fresh pair of eyes.

  8. im doing a contest im witch we have to design a website. i have the website done and for it being my first on i though it was pretty good any how i was looking over the judges rubric and its sayed that all "forms are validated" i have no clue what that so i may be in the wrong forum but if someone could lead me in the righ direction on what that is and how to do it i would be very thankful
    Had I to guess, I believe that this means that you're checking that the values people are entering are valid before the form submits.For example: if you have a form element for "e-mail" address, one would suppose that you're required to validate that the value the user enters is in e-mail format, like "sam@somedomain.com" and not in invalid format like "1ejkwno.23!", which is clearly not an e-mail address.Are you permitted to ask the judges what this means?
  9. 1)i have been asked to develop the html code with java script to open the popup window whose height and width must automatically adjusted acoording to the text inside the popup window?
    The text inside doesn't know how big the area it's filling is going to be. It's just there for the ride. So that can't drive how big the window is...Best you can do is to imbed a window.resizeTo() method in your source for every page that you're opening in your popup. You may have to fiddle with it manually and you'll probably have to have different values for every page.You can't over-ride what people are doing to block popups. If you're told "there has to be a way", then remind your boss or whomever that if it were so, then every advertiser in the world would still be popping up garbage on your screen. What you CAN do is put your text into an element (like a <div>) that only shows up when you want it to. Good thing about a div too is that you can set its height parameters or width parameters with css and JS.
  10. Ultimately, the content-type header will be set correctly when this comes from the real server, but that is not a practical way for me to develop the code. Can I specify the content type in some other way, since I am not using HTTP? (The file extension is .xml, and the file starts with <?xml version="1.0"?>, but IE doesn't recognize it as XML.
    Why is this impractical? Cost? Time? If all you need is a true HTTP response, Download Apache HTTP server and install it for free.Assuming you do a default install of the latest version, put your files in the "htdocs" folder of the install directory (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs), start the server, and make your request to http://localhost:8080/yourfile.xml.If I've understood your problem right, I think that will work for you.
  11. Does anyone have an idea of how i can do this. I've searched all over the internet but no luck.
    Are you looking for a tool to do this for you or are you just wondering how it works? If you're looking for a tool, best to google for "Web Slideshow Generator". Picasa may be able to do this...If you just want to know how it works, grab the source of the page and step through to figure out what it's doing. All of their methods seem to be here: http://www.wwe.com/js/photogallery.js It's a little convoluted, but it works.
  12. This is part script, part HTML, I think.Make a small change to your script:

    page = window.open("","framecontainer");

    This second argument for the open() method gives your popped-up window a name value.Now, in whatever link you have that says "CLICK HERE TO VIEW...", add a target attribute:

    <a href="[your url]" target="framecontainer">CLICK HERE</a>

    You may already have this attribute. If it says "_blank" or has a value that doesn't correspond to the name of an existing window, that's why your link is opening up in a new window.Let me know how that works out. If it doesn't solve this for you, post the code for your top frame.

  13. I don't think that this is the particular line that's failing. Creating a new attribute for an existing object (Window or Top) and giving it a value isn't necessarily illegal:

    <html><head><title>Security test</title><script type="text/javascript">function doOnload() {	top.newProperty = new Object();}</script></head><body onload="doOnload()">This tests adding a property to an existing object, top.</body></html>

    The "Uncaught exception" means you tried to do something that's illegal for a browser to do. There aren't many things that will do that. One of the most common is trying to access anything in another window where the location isn't on the same domain.The problem might be easier to solve if you post your code.That being said, you can use a try/catch block to catch the error, then deal with it accordingly.You can see a w3schools.com example here.Let me know how that works out.

  14. Hi this is Anil, newly joined in this Forum. can u suggest me a good Book for Java Script .
    Hi Anil. If you're looking for books to use as a reference, the books that O'Reilly sells are pretty good, like the Rhino book. They also have a learning series, I think.WROX publications are pretty good. The materials are straightforward, and the end-of-chapter problems are a good challenge.Whatever you get, a good DOM reference is a must. But one of the best DOM references is on w3schools's site.Previous poster has a point... the best way to learn is online, and to learn by doing.
  15. There are a lot of ways off doing what you're trying to do here.You need a method or something that changes the width and height attributes of your image to something else (when invoked by the mouseover). You call that method (or inline script) with the onmouseover attribute of the <img> element.Here is a script that does something similar to what you're doing:

    <?xml version = "1.0"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>Random Image Generator</title><script type = "text/javascript"><!--randomPic();function load(){window.status="Page is loaded"}function randomPic(){var pictures1 = [ "Num1", "Num2", "Num3", "Num4", "Num5", "Num6", "Num7", "Num8", "Num9" ];picArray1 = pictures1[Math.floor( Math.random() * 9)];//I added the onmouseover attributefirstPic = "<img src = \"" + picArray1 + ".jpg\" width = \"105\" height = \"100\" onmouseover=\"makeBigger(this);\" />";var pictures2 = [ "Num1", "Num2", "Num3", "Num4", "Num5", "Num6", "Num7", "Num8", "Num9" ];picArray2 = pictures2[Math.floor( Math.random() * 9)];secondPic = "<img src = \"" + picArray2 + ".jpg\" width = \"105\" height = \"100\" onmouseover=\"makeBigger(this);\" />";var pictures3 = [ "Num1", "Num2", "Num3", "Num4", "Num5", "Num6", "Num7", "Num8", "Num9" ];picArray3 = pictures3[Math.floor( Math.random() * 9)];thirdPic = "<img src = \"" + picArray3 + ".jpg\" width = \"105\" height = \"100\" onmouseover=\"makeBigger(this);\" />";document.writeln(firstPic);if (picArray1 == picArray2){while (picArray1 == picArray2){picArray2 = pictures2[Math.floor( Math.random() * 9)];secondPic = "<img src = \"" + picArray2 + ".jpg\" width = \"105\" height = \"100\" onmouseover=\"makeBigger(this);\" />";}document.writeln(secondPic);}else{document.writeln(secondPic);}if ((picArray1 != picArray3) && (picArray2 != picArray3)){document.writeln(thirdPic);}else{while ((picArray1 == picArray3) || (picArray2 == picArray3)){picArray3 = pictures3[Math.floor( Math.random() * 9)];//I added the id attribute to this imagethirdPic = "<img src = \"" + picArray3 + ".jpg\" width = \"105\" height = \"100\" onmouseover=\"makeBigger(this);\" />";}document.writeln(thirdPic);}}//I added this method to handle the onmouseover event//When this method is called by the onmouseover, it passes the image//that was moused over. That's what the "this" argument means - use "this" particular thing//I call "this" argument "changingImage". It jsut points to your method-invoking imagefunction makeBigger(changingImage) { //since "this" is an image object (ideally), it has //width and height properties... you can change these directly //change the "width" and "height" parameters of this image element //to the new width and height passed in changingImage.width = "210"; changingImage.height = "200";}// --></script></head><body onload="load()"><p>Click Refresh (or Reload) to run the script again</p></body></html>
    If you want your images to get smaller when your mouse leaves the image, you'll need to call another method for "onmouseout". You could potentially change the "makeBigger()" method to "changeSize()" where you also pass in your new width and height parameters as arguments.I hope this gets you closer to what you want. Let me know if you have questions.Now, as a matter of technique, I have two asides to your initial problem:First, there's a lot of repetition in your code. Practice re-using variables that are identical and create methods to do repeat work (like writing your images).Second, your if() within nested while() conditionals are unnecessary. You could just say "while image 2 is image 1, change image 2" - you can assume that if they're not the same, no work will be done. Example:
    //this while only happens if the conditions are truewhile (picArray1 == picArray2) { picArray2 = pictures2[Math.floor( Math.random() * 9)]; secondPic = "<img src = \"" + picArray2 + ".jpg\" width = \"105\" height = \"100\" onmouseover=\"makeBigger(this);\" />";}//but you ALWAYS want to write the image... so this doesn't need to be part of an "if()"document.writeln(secondPic);
  16. <li><a href="java script:changeSource("frame_a.htm");">PA</a></li><li><a href="java script:changeSource("frame_b.htm");">St</a></li>
    Your problems are in these lines:You're passing your changeSource method a string encapsulated in double quotes, but remember that your href is in double quotes too. Encapsulate your argument in single quotes:<li><a href="java script:changeSource('frame_a.htm');">PA</a></li>You should be golden after that![sorry for multipe modified posts... wasn't aware that the forum added a space to "javascript"]
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