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Posts posted by Steven2k7

  1. I'm still needing some help on this. I have the coding for one link, but I'm still trying to figure out how to do around 10 of them, along with an image link, and save it as a single file and link it to all the web pages.Any help would be great!

  2. I am wanting to do the text. The problem I was having was the guy who made the website about 3 years ago used images instead of text, making it very hard for me to copy them.Thanks for fixing the code.

  3. I'm working on a project in school to update and redesign the website for a local art center/gallery. This is their current site, and its not very user friendly.I've made some progress on it, but the links on the left column (such as general information, ect), are giving me some problems. The person who designed it for them used images for it. One image for the link, another image for when you hover the mouse over it. That filled up the image's file pretty quickly. I'm also needing to add a few links to it, and I've found the easiest way is to just make the hover link via text instead of images.I dont know much about CSS, but I've been reading up on it, and someone I know says that CSS would be the best way to do the links. My plan is to make that whole left column (the top logo included) into CSS. I'm going to save it as one file, and link it to every page (that way if I decide to change something on it, or add another link I only change it once, instead of for every page). My question is how do I do it all? I have the coding to make on link, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the rest of them, the image, and link the webpage to it all. I've spent the past week or so looking around this site, and google, but I cant find much info on how to make the hover link with CSS.This is the code that someone gave me for one CSS hover link:

    <style type="text/css">a:link {	color: #6666aa;	text-decoration: none;	font-weight: regular;	size: 12px;}a:visited {}a:hover {	color: #66aa66;	text-decoration: none;	font-weight: bold;	size: 18px;}a:active {}</style>

    Here is a link to what I'm wanting it to look like (but its using the images instead of text). Tourism resources is how it currently looks, image one is what it will look like when you dont mouse over it, and image two is what it looks like with the mouse hovering over it. I also do not know the font that they used to make it, so I'm having to guess on it.Thanks for the help.

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