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Posts posted by eludebebe

  1. Thanks Friends!I make my chat system to work, It works like this:When a user A send new message to user B the message will be stored in a database and User B clicks a button it will check for new message from the database and it will display all the message he got. But this is not good as it adds load to the user to check each time for new message. I need to make the system to check with out awareness of the user and display the message how can I do that?, is AJAX helpful for this? If so pleas tell some hint how to use it?By the way there is a Connect function in PHP which is different from mysql_connect, socket_connect, hw_connect. It uses three parameters as connect(int Socket, sting Address,int Port).Have a nice Day :)

  2. Hello every body!I started to write a chatting site for my school course project using PHP, I know there is listen() and connect() function in the php package but I don’t have how to use them and whether they help me or not.I am so grateful if any one helps me how to write a chatting system using PHP by this functions or with different way.Best regards, Elias :)

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