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Posts posted by mike_g

  1. I havent tested this but I imagine this should work:

    var max_x = 1024var cup = document.getElementById("cup")var cup_x = 0var inc = 10function moveWin(){cup_x = cup_x + inccup.style.left = cup_x + 'px'	 if (cup_x >= max_x || cup_x <=0) inc = -inc 		  	 timerID = setTimeout("moveWin()", 25)			}

    Instead of moving the cup +10 each time the function is run we now have a variable to increment it by. If it goes above the page width or below 0 then the increment gets inverted causing the window to move in the opposite direction.

  2. I want to draw an image in a Javascript function. I can't seem to get it to work. Heres an example of what I am doing:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head><title>Untitled</title><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function DrawRow(img){ 		document.write("<img src='"+img+"' alt='not working' />");}</script></head><body><img src="Images\Rompersuit.jpg" /><script>DrawRow("Images\Rompersuit.jpg")</script></body></html>

    Can someone please tell me how I could get this to work. Thanks.

  3. I want to change the selected radio box in a form using javascript. I couldent seem to find any examples in the W3 tutorials and I havent been able to work it out for myself yet. Below is an example prog I made. The Change() function is my best guess at what would work, but it dosent. Can someone tell me how to do this right? Cheers.

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>Page title</title><script>function Change(){	document.c_form.nclass.value = "A";}</script></head><body onload="Change()">	<form name="c_form">					A<input type="radio" name="nclass" value="A">					B<input type="radio" name="nclass" value="B">					C<input type="radio" name="nclass" value="C">					D<input type="radio" name="nclass" value="D">					</form></body></html>

  4. I made a little game in javascript using checkboxes. Checkboxes are small and fiddly so I want to replace them with images. I'm having a problem at the moment with quite a large string. My prog is a bit big to post but here is the function I'm having probs with:

    function DrawBit(state, bit){ 		var str = "b"+bit;		 		if (state == 0) 		{			state[bit]=1;			UpdateText("'b"+bit+"'", "<img src='On.PNG' onclick='UpdateText("+str+", DrawBit(1, "+bit+"))' />");				}		else		{			state[bit]=0;			UpdateText("'b"+bit+"'", "<img src='Off.PNG' onclick='UpdateText(" +str+ ", DrawBit(0, "+bit+"))' />");			}}

    Basically when the image is clicked I want to change its state and picture. My problem is where you see the: +str+It seems that here I would need a third seperate set of qoutes on top of the ' and " symbols. Do these things exist? Or does anyone know how I could get this to work, thats if its possible to get it to work. Oh yeah and just in case it helps heres the UpdateText() function:

    function UpdateText(area, change_to){	document.getElementById(area).innerHTML = change_to;}

    And heres one of the original lines that gets wrote in the HTML file:

    document.write("<td><div id='b0'><img src='Off.PNG' onclick='UpdateText(", '"b0"', " , DrawBit(1, 0))' /></div></td>");

  5. Hi! I'm kinda new to javascript and i'm trying to make a little prog that lets you add stuff to a shopping cart. Its done using a form with checkboxes. Now what I got works but sometimes the output in the total box is wrong. Usually after selecting, and deselecting several items. EG: selecting rompersuit and deodorant, then delselecting them both results in a total of -1.776356. The numbers it comes up with are weird and I've got no idea where they come from o_O Heres my code:

    <html><head><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function ADD(name,cost){ 	  var sum = eval(document.ShopForm.total.value);		if (name == true)	 sum = sum + cost;		else		 				 			sum = sum - cost;		document.ShopForm.total.value=sum;		}</script><title>Untitled</title></head><body><form name="ShopForm">			<table>						 <tr>						 		 <td>Helmet</td>								 						 		 <td>$27.50</td>							 		 <td><input type='checkbox' name='helmet'  onchange='ADD(document.ShopForm.helmet.checked, 27.50)'/></td>								 </tr>						 <tr>						 		 <td>Guinea pig</td>								 						 		 <td>$24.00</td>							 		 <td><input type='checkbox' name='guineapig'  onchange='ADD(document.ShopForm.guineapig.checked, 24.00)'/></td>										 </tr>						 <tr>						 		 <td>Trike</td>								 						 		 <td>$135.95</td>							 		 <td><input type='checkbox' name='trike'  onchange='ADD(document.ShopForm.trike.checked, 135.95)'/></td>										 </tr>						 <tr>						 		 <td>Hacksaw</td>								 						 		 <td>$12.50</td>							 		 <td><input type='checkbox' name='hacksaw'  onchange='ADD(document.ShopForm.hacksaw.checked, 12.50)'/></td>										 </tr>						 <tr>						 		 <td>Rompersuit</td>								 						 		 <td>$29.99</td>							 		 <td><input type='checkbox' name='rompersuit'  onchange='ADD(document.ShopForm.rompersuit.checked, 29.99)'/></td>										 </tr>						 <tr>						 		 <td>Deodorant</td>								 						 		 <td>$3.99</td>							 		 <td><input type='checkbox' name='deodorant'  onchange='ADD(document.ShopForm.deodorant.checked, 3.99)'/></td>										 </tr>						 <tr>						 		 <td>Total</td>						 		 <td><input size=6 name='total' value='0'></td>  						 </tr>			</table></form></body></html>

    Anyone know whats going wrong? Cheers.

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