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Posts posted by ff45t1z

  1. hey thanks heaps for that! I'll give it a go tonight. And i'll let you know how it goes.I found a good workaround in CSS, but that isn't the point anymore, i'd like to learn how to remove the node too.The workaround just revolves around different <span> tags hidden inside and using CSS to switch to 'display:block' them on hover. Which is probably more browser friendly. But yeah, i'll let you know how it goes.

  2. Now i'm fairly new to javascript, but just to hone myself up, i've been working on a little function that prints some text up when the mouse hovers over an element. the logical way to do this as far as I know, is to use HTML DOM to create a text node inside a DIV to print the text up. So far this has worked just fine, with just one problem. I can't seem to find a way to remove the text nodes once they are created. ( In essence, roll in prints it into the DIV, rollout removes it. ) and yes, i'm aware that using CSS, images or any other lot of tricks I could probably do something cleaner and better, but i'm just priming myself haha,here's my code so far:This is the function to add the text into the div "box" on rollover,function roll1(){ document.roll1p.src ="3.png" ;var node=document.createTextNode(" this is a test.");document.getElementById("box").appendChild(node);}this works just fine,But what I can't do is find a way of targeting that node again and removing the text from that box.I think this code should suffice so you can see what i'm doing.Any help would be very much appreciated.

  3. thanks for the response!I thought about this method, but not in the same way you did. I thought more along the same lines of the shifting upwards method I was using with images for all the cells, but your method works just as well really, which still sadly doesn't really seem to work.I tried it using both table cells and div's. The furthest I got was the overflow working, but sadly it deformed the entire table and pushed the other cells out of the way. Maybe the z index wasn't working correctly, I think it can't work right at all here sadly due to the fact i'm working with a background element.If you tried it, did you have any luck on your end?And also, i'm from Australia too, Sydney.Represent! haha

  4. Sorry, but that doesn't really help much.My problem is: I want to make some code, so that when I rollover one square, it changes the image of other squares. That's the simplest it can be put. The squares are set up as a table, and the images set up as a background image. I have all the individual rollovers working fine, but I just need to set it up so that when I rollover certain cells, multiple rollovers can be triggered in different cells.If someone could help me out with this, I would be very grateful. Or at least tell me it can't be done.I have looked everywhere, and at all your examples, and they come close, but not to the actual point. They all refer to CSS rollovers but not to an actual external one, only for one element rolling over itself on hover. Also, it can't rely on javascript. It has to be CSS.

  5. Hey there, I know i'm new here, but I have a problem with something i'm working on and I was wondering if anyone could give me any pointers. I plan to contribute here whenever I can, i'm a web design student, though a bit more trained in Graphic design than coding.What i've been working on is a rollover image map, a square divided into 12 cells and a bar at the bottom. The idea is that when each cell is hovered over it changes to an 'over' image, simple. http://n.domaindlx.com/Restrukture/rsk-krew/myspace/hoverbox.html ://http://n.domaindlx.com/Restrukture/.../hoverbox.html ://http://n.domaindlx.com/Restrukture/.../hoverbox.html ://http://n.domaindlx.com/Restrukture/.../hoverbox.html ://http://n.domaindlx.com/Restrukture/.../hoverbox.html ://http://n.domaindlx.com/Restrukture/.../hoverbox.html ://http://n.domaindlx.com/Restrukture/.../hoverbox.html Here is the online demo of the layout. ( old java version )I made the original using javascript for my band's myspace layout, without remembering that myspace disallows Javascript. Not too much of a problem, so I recoded the rollovers to use CSS. Compiling the rollovers to 2 images per picture too, and using 'background position' to shift them up a bit. This is all easy,but now, my problem.The idea behind the image map was that certain cells would trigger other cells too ( including the bar ) with alternate images. ( You can see this effect by hovering over all the cells. ) Is there a way to do this in CSS?I can't really figure it out?Here's the code i'm using stripped down for display to just one cell's code, simple stuff.

    .rollover1 a { display:block; width:110px; background-image:url(1n.png)}.rollover1 a:hover {background-position: 0 -309px}<td class="rollover1" id="c1"><a href="#"><img src="trans.gif" width="110" height="103" border="0"></a></td>

    i've tried using the ID selector, but I can't really figure out how I can do this, or if it's possible.Pretty much i'm wondering if I can do this rollover effect by rolling over one item to change the property of another.Any help would be very much appreciated!

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