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Posts posted by Terro

  1. Any time you are working on selling products online, it's probably best to use a server-side solution for that. The reason I say this is that if you store the data for a particular product in an XML file and then build a shopping cart solely on the client-side, someone who is less than honest can modify the request so that the shopping cart is full of $100 items with $1 prices.
    Thank you so much for the link, it something I was looking for. As the security reasons go, I was led to believe that sessions are stored on the server and not on the clients-side. This changes everything, lol. I need to do more research.Edit: I just went over my first post and realized that I didn't mention that the cart would be session based and not use cookies.
  2. I have a quick question I would love to get some feedback on. I'm working on a fairly simple shopping cart which uses prototype 1.5 and need to decided on a data storage system. Because my clients site will only have a handful of items I have decided to not use mysql in this application. My question to you is if this is a good architecture or should I alter is some with your expert advice.Unique ID in the ADD to cart button (or OnDrop since it's drag and drop) would be used by the Ajax.Request & response.XML to fetch a specific itemID and it's children from a XML file. This data would be used to populate the cart with the ItemID's information such as cost , shipping description and title.....ect. I'm pretty new to Ajax and need a good system to store my item information in thats not MySql based. I heard of JSON but have never used it before so I am trying to do it with XML which is proving to be pretty tough.This is the site I'm working on, it's still in development but you can have a visual feel of what I'm going for. The items are drag and drop. http://www.sheava.com/sheava2/template5.htmThank you ahead of time for your advice.

  3. My mane is Greg K, I'm 26 years old and I'm a concept artist / php,mysql, ajax programmer. W3 is my top reference and I was thrilled to finally notice that there was a forum associated with it. Can't believe I haven't noticed it earlier.

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