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Posts posted by Daciana

  1. Thanks for the link. My book didn't cover the div tag that I remember so I didn't know this was an html tag. I think this quote sums a div up neatly, at least to my understanding, "....a div plays the role of a container for other HTML elements." So basically it blocks everything between the <div> and </div> tags and assigns whatever attributes you include within the tags to that blocked (or div'd) area. Is that right? If this is true, then what purpose does the id attribute serve as the alignment attribute, etc. would be applied to everything between the <div> and </div> tags anyways.....unless....perhaps this blocked element is being given further attributes via a CSS style elsewhere, hence the id or class is required? Hmmm.... :) Sample code found:"<div id="menu" align="right" ><a href="">HOME</a> | <a href="">CONTACT</a> | <a href="">ABOUT</a></div><div id="content" align="left" bgcolor="white"><h5>Content Articles</h5><p>This paragraph would be your content paragraph with all of your readable material.</p></div>
  2. You all are wonderful for answering all my tedious questions. jlhaslip...you've provided me with several alternatives and their pros and cons, thank you. boen robot...I had no idea that Firefox and Mozilla'a origins were from Netscape. Then again, until very recently thanks to this forum I never knew they existed at all. I guess I'm an IE slave. Thanks again for all the info. I really appreciate the assistance. :)

  3. if you wrap your image in a div, you can accomplish this:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><div style="margin:0px auto;width:1px;border:none">	 <img src="http://localhost/your image.jpg" /></div>

    I've seen this "div" thing before in other posts....what exactly is it? :)
  4. What you can do is the you can put a function on window resize and then though JS only you can reposition your image. If you want the precise code to do the same, tell me and I will post it, that is IF you wanna use JS
    Actually I would love to see this. I've barely started reading about JS and all it's cpabilities but it looks very promising. Eventually I'll have to work with JS to move to the next level. Thank you for the offer. :)
  5. Ok, wow, a lot of information here I have to research and assimilate. I've just barely scratched the surface of html and css, let alone JS and whatnot. To date my education in all this has consisted of "HTML for Dummies" and the W3Schools tutorials and that's it! Some of what you all are saying I don't even understand so I'm gonna ask. I won't learn nothin' if I don't ask, right?Prateek said:"Sorry, but it will have to be an image or a Flash file if you wanna display it!" ---- Could you elaborate a little?boen robot said:" Your other alternative is to use WEFT and also add alternative fonts for Firefox and Opera." ------ Where does Netscape fall?jlhaslip said:"Here is a technique you might find helpful. http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/archive...ndidate-2" andste said:"the great thing about sIRF is that your html remains <h1>title</h1> etc. but the javascript replaces it with flash so its search engine friendly. "I'm embarassed to say I don't even understand what you're trying to tell me. JS, flash, sIRF....you might as well be speaking Chinese to me. :) And yes, I looked at the link twice.And lastly, aspnetguy said:"I juast blogged about a JavaScript font detector. You may be able to use this to detect the font and if not found use and image. At least if the font is found that user won't have to wait for the images.http://www.aspnetguy.com/blog/index.php/archives/4 " ---- The excerpt: "This Javascript code can be used to guess if a particular font is present on the users machine. It uses simple Javascript and some CSS rules to check whether that font is available."Uhmmm, if the particular font IS available, then the text is seen as intended, if the font is NOT available then a default or another specified font family is substituted. I don't understand what the relevance is to knowing if the viewer has the font or not. It either works or it doesn't, right?Another excerpt: "We try to create a string with a specified font-face. If the font-face is not available, it takes up the font-face of the parent element. We then compare the width of the string with the specified font-face and width of the string with the font-face of the parent element, if they are different, then the font exists, otherwise not." ---- Oh boy, I keep reading this over and over and still have this look of total lack of understanding here. Why am I suddenly reminded of those Russian dolls that fit nicely into each other then into another, and another, and another...I want to fix my code issues. In the process I'll try not to be too much of a pain-in-the-arse. I promise, when this is all over, and the website is up, I'll make you all proud. :)

  6. Thanks for the suggestion. I think I have solved this issue as I wasn't using either pixels or percentages for my margins in the inline style. I was trying to grapple the html vspace and hspace into behaving how I wanted. I have since changed to the css inline margins using percentages and it seems to work the way I had intended. Here's my code I used.in the style type:img.end {position:absolute; margin-right:55%; margin-left:47%; margin-top:20%}in the body:<img class="end" src="red-face.jpg" width="100" height="131">When narrowing my browser window the text, my table, and now the image all stay centered within the browser window, no matter how narrow or wide it is. I thought I had tried this approach already but perhaps I had an incompatible combination or just couldn't see the forest for all the trees. I'd love to give a link for this page, however it's still localized on my computer. Once I get the bulk of the website put together, then I'll upload it all to a web server.Thanks so much for the help!

  7. Ok, here's post #2, please give me a break, I'm new at this! :) I found a font on the internet that I wanted to use on my website. I downloaded it and have designated it in the markup for my pages. I can see it as the webpages are still localized on my computer. No one else can see the font as it should be though. I assume it's because I downloaded the font already and they haven't.Q: How can I ensure everyone else can view the font as it was intended without them having to download the font as well. When I first saw the font, I saw the sample as well, yet I didn't have the font downloaded as of yet. The font is called Morpheus Regular, a TTF.Here's the markup I have thus far and it's an internal style:h1, h2 {background-color:transparent; font-family:Morpheus Regular; text-align:center}h1 {font-size:300%}h2 {font-size:200%}p {font-family:Pegasus; font-size:18pt; margin-left:2cm; margin-top:1cm; margin-right:2cm}Also, Q: Should I find the % equivalent to the 18pt font-size specified for p to make it more user friendly? Web Quality Assurance: "If your website lacks features such as resizable fonts, images with proper text descriptions, and easy navigation, these people will not be able to access your information. Use an Adjustable Font Size. Use only relative font sizes, and let the user be able to use the browser menu (View - Text Size) to change the default text size. Am I understanding what "use only relative font sizes" means?

  8. Forgive me if I have been blind to an obvious fix for this issue, but I have been wracking my brain and searching for the answer and still it eludes me. I'm a novice to both html and css but am determined. Q: Is there any way to center an image within a browser window. For example. I set my spacing in the markup so that the image is centered right where I want it, but if I narrow my browser window to say half the normal width, my text narrows properly, but the image is offset. Is this because the text wraps and goes from margin to margin but the image is much too small by comparison? Any suggestons would help!

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