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Posts posted by Greldin

  1. Thanks for your replies!I like your CMS anders, looks quite simple and easy. Which PHP functions do you use? Just a form and $POST? What about users in the CMS (seems like you have that)? And what about security?

  2. Howdy!I'm fairly new at this whole webdesign thing, and after learning HTML and the more "designing" part of webdesign, I have started to build a website which I want to be a sort of blog site. Although, when you don't know PHP or don't have any kind of a CMS (I'm not even sure if that's the right word for it), posting a new entry in the blog can be quite.. tricky.So, what I want to do is learn the PHP required to create such a CMS, preferably not something any scriptkid can hack right away, which enables me to login to a kind of admin panel, write the newsbit, have it "magically" appear at the front page, and then make the older ones end up in a kind of archive.I've tried learning a bit of PHP but I find it quite complicated (I had some trouble learning HTML..). So - my question to you guys is, and I would be very grateful if I got an answer to it, what parts of PHP is necessary for me to know to be able to write this? And does anyone have any tips concerning what I should do and not do?My apologies if this is at the wrong place on the forums.Thanks in advance!Yours,Greldin

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