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Posts posted by vit4ek

  1. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'call from hl_news' at line 1Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/whopay/public_html/inc/admin/news.inc.php on line 70

  2. <? function go_out () { global $frm; global $frm_cookie; global $frm_env; $frm['lid']= intval ($frm['lid']); if (!$frm['lid']) { header ('Location: ?a=home'); exit (); } $went = array (); $went = preg_split ('/;/', $frm_cookie['went']); if (!in_array ($frm['lid'], $went)) { $q = 'select count(*) as cnt from hl_traffic where date = current_date and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; $sth = mysql_query ($q); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if ($row['cnt']) { $q = 'update hl_traffic set out = out + 1 where date = current_date and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; } else { $q = 'insert into hl_traffic set out = 1, date = current_date, listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; } $sth = mysql_query ($q); array_push ($went, $frm['lid']); } setcookie ('went', join (';', $went), time () + 630720000); $q = 'select url, group_id from hl_listings where id = ' . $frm['lid']; $sth = mysql_query ($q); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); /*if (($settings['use_redirect'] AND $row['group_id'] < 4)) { mt_srand ((double)microtime () * 1000000); $randval = mt_rand (0, 100); if ((5 < $randval AND $randval <= 15)) { $robots = array ('robot', 'crawl', 'spider', 'appie', 'architext', 'jeeves', 'bjaaland', 'ferret', 'googlebot', 'gulliver', 'harvest', 'htdig', 'linkwalker', 'lycos_', 'moget', 'muscatferret', 'myweb', 'nomad', 'scooter', 'slurp', '^voyager\\/', 'weblayers', 'antibot', 'digout4u', 'echo', 'fast\\-webcrawler', 'ia_archiver', 'jennybot', 'mercator', 'netcraft', 'petersnews', 'unlost_web_crawler', 'voila', 'webbase', 'wisenutbot', 'teleport', 'webcapture', 'webcopier', 'curl', 'wget', 'apt', 'curl', 'csscheck', 'wget', 'w3m', 'w3c_css_validator', 'w3c_validator', 'wdg_validator', 'webzip', 'staroffice', 'libwww'); $is_robot = 0; foreach ($robots as $robot_re) { if (preg_match ('' . '/' . $robot_re . '/i', $frm_env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $is_robot = 1; break; continue; } } if (!$is_robot) { $host = $frm_env['HTTP_HOST']; preg_replace ('~www\\d*\\.~', '', $host); exit (); } } }*/ header ('Location: ' . $row['url']); exit (); } function go_in () { global $frm; global $frm_cookie; global $frm_env; $frm['lid'] = intval ($frm['ref']); $q = 'delete from hl_in_log where date + interval 1 day < now()'; $sth = mysql_query ($q); $q = 'select count(*) as cnt from hl_in_log where ip = \'' . $frm_env['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\' and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if (!$row['cnt']) { $q = 'select count(*) as cnt from hl_traffic where date = current_date and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if ($row['cnt']) { $q = 'update hl_traffic set `in` = `in` + 1 where date = current_date and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; } else { $q = 'insert into hl_traffic set `in` = 1, date = current_date, listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; } ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); $q = 'insert into hl_in_log set ip = \'' . $frm_env['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\', listing_id = ' . $frm['lid'] . ', date = now()'; ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); } }/*--function draw_image()--*/ function draw_image () { global $frm; global $settings; $q = 'select date_format(date_added, \'%b %D, %Y\') as added, hl_listings.* from hl_listings where (hl_listings.expiration = 0 || date_added + interval hl_listings.expiration day >= current_date) and hl_listings.status = 1 and id = ' . $frm['lid']; $sth = mysql_query ($q); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if (!$row) { header ('Location: ' . $settings['site_logo_url']); exit (); } $group=$row['group_id']; $name=$row['name']; $status=$row['hyip_status']; $Date_1=date("Y-m-d h:i:s"); $Date_2=$row['date_added']; $Date_List_1=explode("-",$Date_1); $Date_List_2=explode("-",$Date_2); $d1=mktime(0,0,0,$Date_List_1[1],$Date_List_1[2],$Date_List_1[0]); $d2=mktime(0,0,0,$Date_List_2[1],$Date_List_2[2],$Date_List_2[0]); //added $added="Added : ".$row['added']; //monited xx days $Days=round(($d1-$d2)/3600/24); $monited="Monitored : ".$Days." days"; $img=imagecreatefrompng('images/monitorbutton.png'); $colors = array (); $colors['pay'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#498302'); $colors['wait'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#0000FF'); $colors['problem'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#FF9900'); $colors['notpay'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#FF0000'); $colors['black'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#000000'); $colors['name']= imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#3f3f3f'); $name=((strlen($name)>16) ? substr($name, 0, 13). '...' : $name); $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(3) * strlen($name)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1,63+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $name); ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x,63, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $name); if ($status == 1) { $statuscolor = $colors['pay']; $text = 'PAYING'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x; } if ($status == 2) { $statuscolor = $colors['wait']; $text = 'WAITING'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x; } if ($status == 3) { $statuscolor = $colors['problem']; $text = 'PROBLEM'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x-5; } if ($status == 4) { $statuscolor = $colors['notpay']; $text = 'NOT PAYING'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x; } if ($group == 7) { $statuscolor = $colors['notpay']; $text = 'CLOSED'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x-5; } //ImageTTFText($img, $size, 0, $x+1,92+1, $colors['black'], "images/impact.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, $size, 0, $x,95, $statuscolor, "images/impact.ttf", $text); $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($added)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 105+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttff", $monited); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 112, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $added); $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($monited)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 105+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $monited); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 123, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $monited); //get listing details $listing = get_listing_details ($row); //$listing //votes $text="Vote : ".$listing['cvotes'].' votes'; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+10+1, 135+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+10, 134, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); //user' rating $text="Rating : ".$listing['avg_vote']." pts"; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+10+1, 135+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+10, 145, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); $text='Invest : $'.$listing['spend'].''; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 156, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); $text='Payout Ratio : '.($listing['ratio']*100).'%'; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 167, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); //lastpayout$q = "select date_format(hl_statistics.date, '%b %d') as date from `hl_statistics` where type = 1 and listing_id = " . $frm['lid'] ." order by hl_statistics.date DESC LIMIT 1"; if (!($sth = mysql_query ($q))) { exit (mysql_error ()); } $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if (!$row) { $lastpayout = 'Last payout: No'; } else { $lastpayout = 'Last payout:'.$row['date']; } //lastpayout end $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($lastpayout)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 150+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $lastpayout); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 178, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $lastpayout); $text='Today is : '.date("M j,Y");; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 195, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($img); } //creat image end function center ($text, $font_id, $width) { $len = imagefontwidth ($font_id) * strlen ($text); return intval (($width - $len) / 2); } function imagecolorallocatehex ($im, $color) { $red = 0; $green = 0; $blue = 0; if (eregi ('[#]?([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})', $color, $ret)) { $red = hexdec ($ret[1]); $green = hexdec ($ret[2]); $blue = hexdec ($ret[3]); } return imagecolorallocate ($im, $red, $green, $blue); } /*-- begin --*/ /*-- begin --*/ /*-- begin --*/ /*-- begin --*/ if (file_exists ('install.php')) { print 'Delete install.php file for security reason please!'; exit (); } ini_set ('error_reporting', 'E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE'); require 'inc/libs/Smarty.class.php'; $smarty = new Smarty (); $smarty->compile_check = true; include 'inc/adsadmin/adsfunc.php'; include 'inc/config.inc.php'; $smarty->template_dir = './tmpl/'; $smarty->compile_dir = './tmpl_c'; $dbconn = db_open (); if (!$dbconn) { print 'Cannot connect mysql'; exit (); } if (($frm['a'] == 'image' AND extension_loaded ('gd'))) { draw_image (); exit (); } $mddomain = $frm_env['HTTP_HOST']; $mddomain = preg_replace ('/^www\\./', '', $mddomain); $mdscriptname = $frm_env['SCRIPT_NAME']; $mdscriptname = preg_replace ('/index\\.php/', '', $mdscriptname); $key = strtoupper (md5 ($mddomain . 'jklfds89ufsdkfnsjfdksh') . md5 ($mdscriptname . '7hbfnbdnf') . md5 ('hyiplister' . $mddomain)); $flag = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) { if ($i == 0) { $i = ''; } $skey = substr ($settings['key' . $i], 100, -200); if ($key == $skey) { $flag = 1; continue; } } $settings['use_redirect'] = 0; if ($flag == 1) { $settings['use_redirect'] = 0; } if ($settings['demomode'] == 1) { $settings['use_redirect'] = 0; } session_name ('HLSID'); session_start (); $host = $frm_env['HTTP_HOST']; preg_replace ('~www\\d*\\.~', '', $host);/* if (($settings['use_redirect'] AND !$_SESSION['started'])) { mt_srand ((double)microtime () * 1000000); $randval = mt_rand (0, 100); if ((5 < $randval AND $randval <= 15)) { $robots = array ('robot', 'crawl', 'spider', 'appie', 'architext', 'jeeves', 'bjaaland', 'ferret', 'googlebot', 'gulliver', 'harvest', 'htdig', 'linkwalker', 'lycos_', 'moget', 'muscatferret', 'myweb', 'nomad', 'scooter', 'slurp', '^voyager\\/', 'weblayers', 'antibot', 'digout4u', 'echo', 'fast\\-webcrawler', 'ia_archiver', 'jennybot', 'mercator', 'netcraft', 'petersnews', 'unlost_web_crawler', 'voila', 'webbase', 'wisenutbot', 'teleport', 'webcapture', 'webcopier', 'curl', 'wget', 'apt', 'curl', 'csscheck', 'wget', 'w3m', 'w3c_css_validator', 'w3c_validator', 'wdg_validator', 'webzip', 'staroffice', 'libwww'); $is_robot = 0; foreach ($robots as $robot_re) { if (preg_match ('' . '/' . $robot_re . '/i', $frm_env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $is_robot = 1; break; continue; } } if (!$is_robot) { exit (); } } }*/ $started = 1; session_register ('started'); /*delete backdoor by chiang*/ $smarty->assign ('settings', $settings); $smarty->assign ('frm', $frm); if ($frm['a'] == 'go') { go_out (); } if ($frm['ref']) { go_in (); } if ($settings['newlistings_box']) { $new_listings = array (); $last_date = ''; $q = 'select hl_listings.*, date_format(hl_listings.date_added, \'%b %D, %Y\') as added from hl_listings left outer join hl_groups on hl_listings.group_id = hl_groups.id where hl_groups.onnew = 1 and hl_listings.date_added + interval ' . $settings['new_for_days'] . ' day >= current_date and (hl_listings.expiration = 0 || date_added + interval hl_listings.expiration day >= current_date) and hl_listings.status = 1 order by date_added desc, group_id'; $sth = mysql_query ($q); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth)) { if ($last_date != $row['added']) { array_push ($new_listings, array ('data_type' => 'date', 'date' => $row['added'])); $last_date = $row['added']; } $row['data_type'] = 'listing'; array_push ($new_listings, $row); } $smarty->assign ('new_listings', $new_listings); if (sizeof ($new_listings) == 0) { $settings['newlistings_box'] = 0; $smarty->assign ('settings', $settings); } } if ($settings['textads_box']) { $textads = array (); $q = 'select *, date_format(date + interval expiration day, \'%b-%e-%Y\') as exp_date from hl_ads where date <= current_date and ((expiration = 0) || (date + interval expiration day >= current_date)) order by ordering '; ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth)) { array_push ($textads, $row); } $smarty->assign ('textads', $textads); } $groups_nav = array (); $q = 'select * from hl_groups where status = 1 and nav_name != \'\' order by id'; $sth = mysql_query ($q); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth)) { array_push ($groups_nav, $row); } $smarty->assign ('groups_nav', $groups_nav); include 'inc/news_box.inc'; if($frm['a'] == 'search') { include 'inc/search.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'view_statistics') { include 'inc/view_statistics.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'details') { include 'inc/details.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'add_vote') { include 'inc/add_vote.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'new') { include 'inc/new.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'add') { include 'inc/add.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'advertise') { include 'inc/advertise.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'news') { include 'inc/news.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'egold_processing') { include 'inc/egold_processing.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'support') { include 'inc/support.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'maillist') { include 'inc/maillist.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'links') { include 'inc/links.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'partners') { $smarty->display ('partners.tpl'); } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'cust') { $file = $frm['page']; $file = basename ($file); if (file_exists ('tmpl/custom/' . $file . '.tpl')) { $smarty->display ('custom/' . $file . '.tpl'); db_close ($dbconn); exit (); } else { include 'inc/home.inc'; } } else { include 'inc/home.inc'; } } } } } } } } } } }}}} db_close ($dbconn);?>
    That is the index .php fileoh yeah and if not hard can someone explain what it is wrong as i want to learn how to fix such problems myself in future.
  3. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'out) as tout from hl_traffic where listing_id = 1 and date + interval 7 day > no' at line 1
    i don't get itP.S. i am a newby.
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