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Posts posted by Jensen

  1. http://www.adriennedesigns.net is the website I'm working on. I've got the area where the text is set to a width of 450px and the height of the area set to 565px - and it looks just how i want in firefox. The text wraps and the entire image I want shown is shown. However in IE it snips the bottom of the image off and the text overflows just a bit. Why? I don't get it :\Thanks in advance.
  2. So now that the CSS is loading (if you saw my other silly question) I've noticed that it looks great in Firefox, but the text isn't wrapping to the defined width and the menu isn't adhering to the min-height in IE. http://adrienne.jensenonline.org/ - is the site. One would think something like that would be simple to fix, but im having troubles. My CSS:

    body {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;font: 8pt/16pt georgia; 	color: #ffffff;	text-align: center;	background: transparent url(adriennelogo.jpg) no-repeat center top;}#container {	margin: 0px auto;	padding: 0;	width: 700px;	border: none;	text-align: left;}#content  {	top: 266px;	position: relative;	left: 20px;	color: #000000;	width: 650;	padding-bottom: 29px;	text-align: justify;}#menu {	position: absolute;	left:auto; 	right:auto; 	top: 200px;	margin-left: 500px;	width: 170px;min-height: 252px;	background-image: url(menuback.jpg);	background-repeat: no-repeat;	background-position: left top;	padding-left: 30px;color: #F7931D;font-weight: bold;}p	{max-width: 350px}

  3. I've just begun work on a website for an online portfolio/resumé for my girlfriend. Now as I've worked on it i've been previewing the index file as I go and it's looked right so far, I uploaded it to the web last night, and it doesn't load the css. The site is adrienne.jensenonline.org - it loads nothing in Firefox, but it loads only the body background image in IE. I can't for the life of me figure out why it doesn't apply the CSS. Can anybody offer some reason why? You can see the html by viewing source on the webpage, my css file is this:

    body {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;font: 8pt/16pt georgia; 	color: #ffffff;	text-align: center;	background: transparent url(adriennelogo.jpg) no-repeat center top;}#container {	margin: 0px auto;	padding: 0;	width: 700px;	border: none;	text-align: left;}#content  {	top: 266px;	position: relative;	left: 20px;	color: #000000;	width: 650;	padding-bottom: 29px;	text-align: justify;}#menu {	position: absolute;	left:auto; 	right:auto; 	top: 200px;	margin-left: 500px;	width: 170px;min-height: 252px;	background-image: url(menuback.jpg);	background-repeat: no-repeat;	background-position: left top;	padding-left: 30px;color: #F7931D;font-weight: bold;}p	{max-width: 350px}

    I'd really like to nip this in the bud early on before i get in too deep.

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