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Posts posted by snpcrd

  1. One possible reason is, if any values of either "RegionCode" or "ClinicGroup" or "Snooped" is NULL. Also since you have used AND between the constraint, it will not show the record is any one of these 3 values is NULL in a particular row.
    Thanks Yahwey and Pulpfiction for pointing me in the right direction and clarifying the NULL problem.Solved the problem by testing for the Null (e.g. (RegionCode LIKE '%' OR IsNull(RegionCode) = True))Cheers
  2. Hi,Having a problem selecting records from an Access 2003 database. With the below SQL from what I understand it should select all records in the database based on using the wildcard character '%'.

    SELECT * FROM Unsnooped WHERE RegionCode LIKE '%' AND ClinicGroup LIKE '%' AND Snooped LIKE '%' ORDER BY Sitecode ASC 

    Example DB records can be found at accessdb.gif. The rightmost field is the one called 'Snooped'. There are 1033 records in the DB but it will only display 496. All the fields that I'm trying to pull out are populated by values so I'm a bit of a loss.Cheers

  3. Hi,Having a problem selecting records from an Access 2003 database. With the below SQL from what I understand it should select all records in the database based on using the wildcard character '%'.

    SELECT * FROM Unsnooped WHERE RegionCode LIKE '%' AND ClinicGroup LIKE '%' AND Snooped LIKE '%' ORDER BY Sitecode ASC 

    Example DB records can be found at accessdb.gif. The rightmost field is the one called 'Snooped'. There are 1033 records in the DB but it will only display 496. All the fields that I'm trying to pull out are populated by values so I'm a bit of a loss.Cheers

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