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Agent Green

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Posts posted by Agent Green

  1. Thanks sunziun, if I can't get this one to work I will probably have a try with that one :good: Krewe what do you mean exactly? Until I have the website uploaded on the internet or is there some way to upload it onto here?

  2. post-129037-0-52842400-1363008847_thumb.jpg Working on a website for my new venture into making ceramics. Good computer skills but basically a beginner in HTML/CSS..etc Need a simple usable website advertising the business and showing some of the work in a gallery (http://smoothgallery...ng-started/faq/). Been working on it for about a week and only just beginning to understand what I have been doing :facepalm:Created a 'liquid' design with a simple menu bar with a mishmash of HTML/CSS/JAVA and my biggest problem now is with browser compatibility. Works in Safari, used to work in Opera but now the gallery has broken, vaguely works in IE and not tested with anything else.I will upload the files ASAP but post anything that could help :good: Any critique will be helpful as I am stumbling around in the dark with my legs tied together :boredom: It is a concoction of code found on various internet sites.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML><html>	<head>		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">		<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/layout.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" />		<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jd.gallery.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" />		<style type="text/css">		<!--		body {			background-image:url(images/background.jpg);			cursor:inherit;			}		  		div		{		cursor:auto;		}	  		/* ~~ this container surrounds all other divs giving them their percentage-based width ~~ */		.container {			text-align: center;			width:100%;			max-width:1440px;			min-width:1024px;			cursor:inherit;			z-index: 5;		}	  		.centerwrapper {			margin-left:auto;			margin-right:auto;			width:1008px;		}	  		.centerwrapper2 {			margin-left:auto;			margin-right:auto;			width:1056px;		}	  		/* ~~the header is not given a width. It will extend the full width of your layout. 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4 Title</h3>							<p>Item 4 Description</p>							<a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a>							<img src="images/Gallery/testGallery04.jpg" class="full" />							<img src="images/brugges2006/4-mini.jpg" class="thumbnail" />						</div>						<div class="imageElement">							<h3>Item 5 Title</h3>							<p>Item 5 Description</p>							<a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a>							<img src="images/brugges2006/5.jpg" class="full" />							<img src="images/brugges2006/5-mini.jpg" class="thumbnail" />						</div>						<div class="imageElement">							<h3>Item 6 Title</h3>							<p>Item 6 Description</p>							<a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a>							<img src="images/brugges2006/6.jpg" class="full" />							<img src="images/brugges2006/6-mini.jpg" class="thumbnail" />						</div>						<div class="imageElement">							<h3>Item 7 Title</h3>							<p>Item 7 Description</p>							<a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a>							<img 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