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Posts posted by wakemetal

  1. I'm very unfamiliar with CSS code, so I'm not sure what a doctype declaration is or would look like. I suppose I'll go look it up. The code I posted above is the only code for my whole website, everything else was done through a template. Thanks for the reply. Would I just do something like this? <!DOCTYPE html> code </html> Well, I tried that and it screwed up the links positioning.

  2. I've attached two photos. The links at the top of the page are in the correct position on my firefox browser on my PC, but the positioning is off in Safari on a Mac. I'm using webs.com for the site builder. Below is the code I inserted to make the links have the proper format/positioning. Any clues why on earth it's different in Safari on a Mac than it is on Firefox? How can I remedy the problem? #fw-mainnavwrap { display: block; text-transform: uppercase; font: bold 18px "arial narrow", "Verdana", "Arial", sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: -5.15px; position: absolute; overflow: visible; margin-top: 55px; width: 1000px; height: 55px; z-index: 800; margin-left: 225px; }



  3. I'm new to html coding. I am creating a website using a template from webs.com. The navigation links in the template seem to only go halfway across the page. I tried to left-justify the buttons but I can't seem to adjust the margins maybe? Link: http://ryandaniele.webs.com/ I would appreciate any help or suggestions on how to get the navigation links to go all the way across the page instead of going down a line after 'Group Classes'. Thanks! -wakemetal

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