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Posts posted by Reknot

  1. Hmm. This may work for your situation.If you had the following HTML:
    <body>  <iframe id="frame1"></iframe>  <iframe id="frame2"></iframe></body>

    And you wanted to have a link in frame1 open up in frame2, you could code the link something like this:

    <a href="link.html" onclick="window.parent.document.getElementById('frame2').src = this.href; return false;">Link</a>

    Worked Beautifully ! thanks a thousand =)
  2. ...So I sat at school. thinking about my problem and figured; Ive been explaining the wrong thing. I want to change another Iframe from another Iframe in Index file. :) simple as that. I know how frames work, but i need to do like jump out of the I frame and then into another :)

  3. Okay, I am going to try to make you understand. I want to link, from an iframe on one of sub-html (not index.html) to an other iframe on my index.html... Is there any way possible? Check my page out : http://reknot.no-ip.info:82/ In the "filmer" - "olsson" part. If you click a movie you will see it underneath the thumbnail. But i want it to be shown in the Scroll window, in upper left corner. any sugestions ?

  4. i can't see anything missing in the code, but perhaps one small thing has gotten corrupt or something... try this:
    <object CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="170" height="150" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab"><param name="src" value="<?php print $_GET['id']; ?>"><param name="autoplay" value="true"><param name="controller" value="true"><embed src="<?php print $_GET['id']; ?>" width="170" height="150" autoplay="true" controller="true" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/"></embed></object>

    I'm assuming $_GET['id'] will include the file extension ?

    Works Perfect, thanks alot for the help all =D but, 92 views and 2 replys :) pplz are lazy. Thanks alot MrAdam and justsomeguy Cheers on you both!
  5. AH, sweet! Thanks =)alltough "<a href="videoiframe.php?id=<?php echo urlencode("http://reknot..no-ip.info:82/Media/Filmer/Olsson/06/1.3gp"); ?>" target="videoiframe"><img src="_Thumbs/1a.jpg" /></a>"didn't exactly worked as intended. Had to fix to;"<a href="../../../videoiframe.php?id=http://reknot.no-ip.info:82/Media/Filmer/Olsson/06/1.3gp" target="videoiframe"><img src="_Thumbs/1a.jpg" /></a>"Thanks alot for the reply justsomeguyThe problem im faceing now is that my <object> code doesnt work. Object Code;<object width="170" height="150" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab"> <param name=autoplay value=true> <param name=controller value=true> <embed src="<?php $id=$_GET["id"]; echo $id?>" width="170" height="150" autoplay=true controller=true pluginspage=http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/> </embed></object>Again, it works perfect in firefox but IE wont play it. I think its a Parameter I've missed, am I right? It gets the ID correct but just wont play. Gets stuck with Quicktime logo with a question mark. Over it...
  6. Okay, I got this small problem... I got a site with a video gallery. I have done it in an easy way; Done thumbnails and done a form in HTML witch I've assigned the input as and type="image". HTML code; <form method="post" target="videoiframe" action="http://reknot.no-ip.info:82/videoiframe.php"> <input name="id" type="image" src="_Thumbs/1a.jpg" class="vidthumbs" value="http://reknot..no-ip.info:82/Media/Filmer/Olsson/06/1.3gp"></form>Code in videoiframe.php ;<?php $id=$_POST['id'];echo "<object width=160 height=144 classid=clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B codebase=http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab> <param name=autoplay value=true> <param name=controller value=false> <embed src=".$id." width=160 height=144 autoplay=true controller=false pluginspage=http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/> </embed> </object>";?>It works great in FF, but doent work in Internet explorer. If I "Show source" in my Iframe it shows "...<embed src= width=160 height=144" in IE. Like IE's PHP doest get the Value from HTML. Ive tried to send only numbers but it still doesn't work in IE. Any help, or other ways of doing it. I could get an Database with all the paths, but... yeah.
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