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  1. Correct, some fields filled with the same values of the previous entered data.
  2. How can I make sure that what I enter will be the default value for the next record? Disclaimer; I am not that used in web hard coding; I use a tool that will do most of the programming for me. Here are the available events to trigger the JS/PHP code. Client side = JavascriptServer side = PHP "Insert form" works with one record / one record. The tool that I am using allows the use of a grid, inline grid. What is the recommendation to have a default value based on the prevuious entry? TIA
  3. I finally did it with a MS SQL trigger. Less elegant but it works.
  4. As you said I want a web page with a dropdown field related to a recordset, and immediately after having picked one choice, I want a different column of the dropdown field to fill another web page's field. But I didn't mean to "update the database immediately". txs
  5. Here is what I want to achieve. I want a look-up field that once updated, will automatically update another field. For example, if I select a look-up field with PARTNO / DESC / FACTOR, I want to save the FACTOR after having chosen the PARTNO. I am a web newbie with advanced programming in VBA. What I want to do is easy in VBA, very event-oriented. Here is what I work with. MS SQL Express and PHP Generator Pro which does a lot for me. I see the following events available Yet this time I don't mind hard coding a page and supporting files to get exactly what I need. I checked on MS SQL side. I already use triggers but they happen after the whole record have been updated. I would like the FACTOR field updated right after the PARTNO is chosen. Thank you for you guidance.
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