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Posts posted by emaston

  1. I'm new to Javascript and wrote the following function to allow for rotating images on my site. The script work in IE, Opera, and Safari but not in Mozilla. What part of the code is Mozilla having trouble with? Thanks!The following is in the head:

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--var homePageImage = new Array();homePageImage[0] = "http://www.ucihs.uci.edu/com/pediatrics/newsite/images/homepageimage1.jpg"; homePageImage[1] = "http://www.ucihs.uci.edu/com/pediatrics/newsite/images/homepageimage2.jpg";homePageImage[2] = "http://www.ucihs.uci.edu/com/pediatrics/newsite/images/homepageimage3.jpg";var rotate=2100; var count=0;function rotateImg(peds){peds.src=homePageImage[count];if(count==2)  {  count=0;  }else  {  count++  }setTimeout("rotateImg(peds)",rotate);} //--></script>

    In the Body:

    <body onload="rotateImg(peds)"><img name="peds" class="peds" src="" width="430" height="165" alt="UCI School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics" />

  2. Hello,Something strange is happening with my borders in IE. I'm hoping someone can help. I have two div's relatively close to each other, each with a 1px border. In IE when the page loads, most of the border doesn't show up. It only registers in pieces here and there. If I reload the page, the entire border will appear. I don't experience this problem in Opera or Foxfire.Any thoughts?Thanksem

  3. I'm having some issues maintaining the margins I set in CSS. I'm trying to make something resembling an outline within a paragraph by using <span> to style the text under each heading. I want the text under the heading to shift about 30px to the left but remain within the width of the <p>. When I use the padding or margin properties, only the first line with the <span> shifts to the right. I can use position:realtive to shift the entire <span>, but then it extends beyond the width of the <p>.The sample code is like so:

    <p class="example">HISTORY<br /><span class="example">Western Society for Pediatric Research (Member of Council 1971-74)<br />Association of Medical School Pediatric Chairmen, Inc., California Chapter Organizer and Administrative Officer, 1983-88<br />Special Recognition Award for Services to the Department of Pediatrics, the University of California, Irvine, and the Children of Orange County Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, Irvine, 1996 and 2000.</span></p>

    This is the corresponding css code

    p.example{width: 200px; height: 200px; position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 100px; font-family:verdana, 'sans-serif'; font-size: 10px; color: rgb(0,0,0); overflow: scroll;}span.example{color: rgb(100,100,100); margin-left: 30px;}

    I have tried replacing margin-left: with padding-left: and encounter the same problem. Why doesn't the margin apply to all of the text within the <span>? Does is have something to do with the insertion of <br />? HELP!Em

  4. I'm creating a website with CSS and I'm curious about the formating options available for scroll bars. I've created a text box with absolute positioning with an overflow of text. I want the size of the box to remain fixed and to scroll down through the text, but not over. I would prefer to avoid showing the scroll bars entirely and instead use small up and down arrows just outside the box to scroll. This is something I see fairly often on the web, but I don't know if it's within CSS capabilities. Any thoughts?Thanks,emily

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