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Posts posted by aknouche

  1. Hi!I am a frequent user of open source software (Ubuntu, LibreOffice etc.), and I am often amazed by the efforts people make in order to provide me with products and services for free. As an Informatics student I am now conducting research for a masters' thesis trying to find out what motivates developers to participate in open source projects. The aim is to enlighten practitioners and academics on the degree of flexibility that is needed in the choice of strategies for attracting developers to OSS projects and motivating them to continue contributing. It will be very important for me and I would really appreciate if you could take some time to fill out our survey and spread it amongst your staff/community. The survey only takes 3-5 minutes to fill out, and all information is kept confidential. Again, thank you for your efforts.Please click on this link to get to the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XL16GisKPCjw8uk8xdoVDl6mSPN5-d1c8ZX3NKSmLEo/viewform

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