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Posts posted by andyscraven

  1. I originally did have a Location header and pass the data via a HTTP form (?data=fred&moredata=bert) directly to wd.php but I am concerned that will break the tracking software links, which uses cookies. For example, with Prosper 202 your outbound link is a php file (out.php), which contains the cookie stuff, so I am not sure that if I send them to that php file from wd.php via a Location Header if it will all work right correctly. Does that make sense? I guess what I am asking is. If I leave the page to go to my wd,php file and then once that is done use a Location Header to run the Tracker PHP file (out.php) will they still have access to the visitors cookies etc?

  2. I have been too close to this today and the $_POST should have been screaming out at me! So Thanks for that! So are you saying that if I put the onCLick() in a <div> or a <span> etc I should be able top use 'true' and not 'false' for the ASync? It doesn't seem to work, here is the HTML code: <div class="cta" onclick="storeStats()"><a href="http://mylink.com"><img src="buttonimage.png" border="0"></a></div> Is that wrong? Andy

  3. Thanks for the very cryptic reply :-) OK, allow me to be more specific in my questions. I need to return data to the server when the visitor clicks through the page and goes via tracking software to a sales page. Do you know of a good approach that will work asynchronously using AJAX? I have the data prepared before the page is served via PHP and I have inserted the data as such: xmlhttp.open("POST","http://localhost:8888/dl/wd.php",false);xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");xmlhttp.send("data=NSwsLCwsLCwsMDAsLDAwLCw=&logfilename=andy.csv");The other issue I am having is that the parameters 'data' and 'logfilename' are not recognised by a $_GET within wd.php. I get the following PHP error: Undefined index: logfilename in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/dl/wd.php on line 6Any help would be great!Andy

  4. Hi I have an application and one of it's functions is to split text various elements on a web page. When the visitor clicks on a Call To Action button (there may be more than one on the page) I want to be able to write back to the server the elements that were displayed so that they can analyse which elements have a better Click Through Rate. Is it the Green, Red or Blue Button? Which Title is performing best? Etc... So far I have found putting an onclick() on all of the exit points and a function that uses,: xmlhttp.open("POST","http://localhost:8888/dl/wd.php",true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");xmlhttp.send("all my data∧ maybe some more"); The Onclick is like this: <div class="cta" onclick="storeStats()"> and I also have it inside a HREF: <a href="outbound link" onclick="storeStats()"> UPDATE: I have edited this post a few times as I debug the situation and it seems I have solved it but I am not sure it is a good solution. If I change the ASync paramter to false everything works correctly. If I leave ASync as true it doesn't work as we leave the page before it has chance to do it. I added xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){ alert(xmlhttp.readyState);} and when the href="#" it alerts 4 times with 1, 2, 3 and then 4, which means all was well. BUT when the href contains a real outbound link it alerts 1 then 2 but then moves away from the page, so it must be doing it before the xmlhttp.send(). The reason I have not redirected the exit points to a PHP file and then onward to the destination is that the outbound links are going back to different tracking software and some of them override the outbound links using cookies, so I want to leave that part alone. Is it bad practise to use ASync as false so it halts progress until my data is written? Or am I doing something wrong so I can use AJAX correctly? Thanks everyone for reading. Andy

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