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Posts posted by Sologuy

  1. the <table align="center"> doesn't work in explorer for some reason, but in mozilla... and it shows a horizontal scrollbar on the window when I use it.Which the css margin: 0 auto solved now I figured. Still doesn't work in explorerAnyway, I do use a separate CSS document for the page. I'd like to be able to center it from there without using the html align="center".So far it's the most simple construction of tables

    <html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="toys.css" /><title> Toys </title></head><body><table align="center"> <tr>  <td class="left" />  <td class="right">  <img class="toyman" src="images/toyman.jpg"><br>Toyman creates another toy<br>just thinking about bringing joy<br>Some of them may be crappy<br>but most of them make you happy<br>Made with love and care<br>quality for wear and tear<br>Some for sun, some for rain<br>enough to make you come back again  </td> </tr></table></body></html>

    and this is the css

    body{margin:0 auto}table{border-collapse: collapse;position: absolute;}td.left{width: 480px;height: 500px;background-image: url(images/snurra.jpg);}td.right{font-family: verdana;font-style: italic;vertical-align: top;text-align: center;vertical-align: middle;font-size: 90%;padding-bottom: 50px;}img.toyman{margin-top:;margin-bottom: 40px;margin-right: 10px;}

    I'd like both a vertical and a horizontal align ontop of that =P

  2. Yeah, that's part of it.... But I want it to be transparent and have a color. Kinda like those short little screw drivers that you see through and makes everything look yellow and squiggly...

    You mean semi transperancy I suppose?Don't think it's possible through css
  3. Hey guysProblem quite simple I suppose, but I can't figure it out. (kinda new at it)Got a page built up by tables and it has a rather small width and height. It looks kinda dull having it in the upper left corner all the time. So I'd like to center it in the middle of the window/body what ever.It's just one table really, so just that one thing that needs alignment.Help? :)

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