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Posts posted by arunk.fun

  1. There was a syntax error in parseHTTPGet() when i rewrote it, and a semantic error in objToUri(). I also made it a little more robust in adding the search value to clickRefer.href. also the anchor tag was adding that other url because the original href didn't provide a proper protocol.

    make sure href start with a "http://" and ends with a "/" when writing them out, or javascript will automatically prepend the current address.(apparently when you type "http://" in a paragraph it makes the entire paragraph disappear from the post, so I'm using a code block to escape it)
    this code has been tested and works
    <!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <meta charset="utf-8">        <title>Simple Script 1 Phase 1</title>        <script type="text/javascript">            var defaultUrl = "rupeerain";            function parseHTTPGet(win){                var data = {};                if(!win) win = window;                if(win.location.search.length<1) return data;                var getDataArray = win.location.search.substr(1).split("&");                for(var i=0;i<getDataArray.length;i++){                    var keyVal = getDataArray[i].split("=");                    data[unescape(keyVal[0])] = (keyVal[1].length)?unescape(keyVal[1]):undefined;                }                return data;            }            function objToUri(obj){                var arr = [];                for(prop in obj){                    if(typeof obj[prop] != "undefined")                         arr.push(encodeURIComponent(prop)+"="+encodeURIComponent(obj[prop]));                }                return arr.join("&");            }            function doOnLoad(){                var clickRefer= document.getElementById("clickRefer");                var relink = parseHTTPGet();                //if r wasn't passed, sets to defaultUrl                 relink.r = relink.r || defaultUrl;                clickRefer.href += (relink.length)? "?"+objToUri(relink) : "";               }        </script>    </head>    <body onload="doOnLoad()">        <a id="clickRefer" href="http://www.neobux.com/">CLICK HERE</a>    </body></html>

    Hello Bro.


    My URL http://www.rupeerain.in connects to Neobux href="http://www.neobux.com/?r=rupeerain.

    I changed the script <a id="clickRefer" href="http://www.neobux.com/?r=rupeerain">CLICK HERE</a>


    When my URL is http://www.rupeerain.in/?r=duthuraj it should link to http://www.neobux.com/?r=duthuraj but its not.


    Please help Bro.


    Thanks for all your efforts.


    Godaddy should both be able to and allow you to write js code on their site. a publicly accessible HTML page without javascript on it is exceedingly rare these days. you should be able to give a page like this to Godaddy.

    <!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <meta charset="utf-8">        <title>Simple Script 1 Phase 1</title>        <script type="text/javascript">            var defaultUrl = "rupeerain";            function parseHTTPGet(win){                var data = {};                if(!win) win = window;                if(win.location.search.length<1) return data;                var getDataArray = win.location.search.substr(1).split("&");                for(var i=0li<getDataArray.length;i++){                    var keyVal = getDataArray[i].split("=");                    data[unescape(keyVal[0])] = (keyVal[1].length)?unescape(keyVal[1]):undefined;                }                return data;            }            function objToUri(obj){                var arr = [];                for(prop in obj){                    if(typeof obj.prop != "undefined")                         arr.push(encodeURIComponent(prop)+"="+encodeURIComponent(obj.prop));                }                return arr.join("&");            }            function doOnLoad(){                var relink = parseHTTPGet();                //if r wasn't passed, sets to defaultUrl                 relink.r = relink.r || defaultUrl;                document.getElementById("clickRefer").href +="?"+objToUri(relink);               }        </script>    </head>    <body onload="doOnLoad()">        <a id="clickRefer" href="www.neobux.com/">CLICK HERE</a>    </body></html>

    Thanks Bro I tried but its not working.


    1) When my URL was rupeerain.in my click here button should go to www.neobux.com/?r=rupeerain but instead it goes to "http://rupeerain.in/www.neobux.com/?r=rupeerain"


    2) When my URL was rupeerain.in/?r=duthararaj my click here button should go to www.neobux.com/?r=duthararaj


    Please help :)

    The above method works on www.fastrupee.com

  3. function parseHTTPGet(win){   var data = {};   if(!win)      win = window;   if(win.location.search.length <1) return data;   var getDataArray = win.location.search.substr(1).split("&");   for (var i =0; i<getDataArray.length;i++){      var keyVal = getDataArray.split("=");      data[unescape(keyVal[0])] = (keyVal[1].length)?unescape(keyVal):undefined;   }   return data;}var reference = parseHTTPGet();//"1111111" is default reference if no get data was passedvar getstring = encodeURIComponent(!reference.r || reference.r == undefined ? "1111111":reference.r);document.getElementById("clickRefer").href = "http://www.clixsense.com/?r="+getstring;
    HTML link
    <a id="clickRefer" href="http://www.clixsense.com/?r=1111111" >Click Here</a>
    I put exact values here
    IF www.rupeerain.in then "CLICK HERE" Button to be linked to http://www.neobux.com/?r=rupeerain
    IF www.rupeerain.in/?r=xxxxxxxxxxx then "CLICK HERE" Button to be linked to http://www.neobux.com/?r=xxxxxxxxxxx
    NOTE xxxxxxxxxxx may be alphanumeric and has no counts
    Please help me to write the scripts between the below

    <head><TITLE>Simple Script 1 Phase 1</TITLE></head><Body><SCRIPT LANGUAGE = JavaScript>


  4. Thank you Newbie,


    I am using website builder from Godaddy, here i am allowed to Insert only HTML codes, now how can i insert the other code to my website? Pleaes help

  5. Hello All,
    I put my question straight here.
    If my website address is www.abcd.in a ""Click Here"" button should be linked to http://www.XXXXXXXX.com/?r=1234567 [FIXED]
    If my website address is www.abcd.in/?r=1111111 a ""Click Here"" button should be linked to
    http://www.XXXXXXXX.com/?r=1111111 ["1111111" Its a 7digit number may vary per user]
    Please help me a HTML Code with javascript in it for creating a Click here button.
    Refer: www.click2rupee.com
    www.click2rupee.com = CLICK HERE Button= http://www.clixsense.com/?r=3488429
    www.click2rupee.com/?r=12312312 = CLICK HERE Button= http://www.clixsense.com/?r=12312312
    Thanks All.
  6. Hello All,
    I put my question straight here.
    If my website address is www.abcd.in a ""Click Here"" button should be linked to http://www.XXXXXXXX.com/?r=1234567 [FIXED]
    If my website address is www.abcd.in/?r=1111111 a ""Click Here"" button should be linked to
    http://www.XXXXXXXX.com/?r=1111111 ["1111111" Its a 7digit number may vary per user]
    Please help me a HTML Code with javascript in it for creating a Click here button.
    Refer: www.click2rupee.com
    www.click2rupee.com = CLICK HERE Button= http://www.clixsense.com/?r=3488429
    www.click2rupee.com/?r=12312312 = CLICK HERE Button= http://www.clixsense.com/?r=12312312
    Thanks All.
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