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Posts posted by andostini

  1. hey guys,


    I want to have several divs width: 100% aligned side by side and a menue, with wich you can navigate through the different divs (internal anchors). Everything works so far but I don't manage to get an horizontal scroll animation with jQuery. I have absolutly no jQuery experience so far. I would be very greatful if you could help me out.



    <!DOCTYPE html><html>	<head>		<title>Franconia-Film</title>		<style type="text/css">			html {				height: 100%;				padding: 0;				margin: 0;			}						body {				height: 100%;				padding: 0;				margin: 0;			}						#navi {				position: fixed;				width: 100%;				height: 50px;				background-color: #FFFFFF;			}						#container {				height: 100%;				width: 400%			}						.container {				height: 100%;				float: left;				width: 25%;    position:relative; /* Put me here! */			}						#one {				background-color: #FF0000;							}						#two {				background-color: #00FF00;			}						#three {				background-color: #0000FF;			}									#four {				background-color: #FFFF00;			}		</style>						<!-- jQuery enbinden von Google-->			<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>		<script type="text/javascript">		  // jQuery laden		  google.load("jquery", "1.3.2");		</script>		<!-- jQuery Code -->			<script type="text/javascript"> 		</script>	</head>	<body>		<div id="navi"><a href="#one">one</a><a href="#two">two</a><a href="#three">three</a><a href="#four">four</a></div>		<div id="container">			<div id="one" class="container"><a name="one"></div>			<div id="two" class="container"><a name="two"></div>			<div id="three" class="container"><a name="three"></div>			<div id="four" class="container"></div>		</div>	</body></html>
  2. Hey guys,


    I'm programming a very tiny CMS and I just wanted to ask, if you think that this login system is secure enough. The user data is stored in a MySQL Database.


    Logging the user in after verifying his login data:

    $_SESSION['username'] = $usernameinput;$_SESSION['addr'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];session_name("sid");session_set_cookie_params(1800);session_cache_expire(1800);

    Checking if the user is logged in:

    if (isset($_SESSION['username'] and $_SESSION['addr'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))     {     //SHOW WEBSITE     {else {     //SHOW LOGIN FORM     }

    To logout a user, I simply use the session_destroy() function.


    I would be very greatful about your opinion and advice.



  3. Hey Guys,


    I want an horizontal menue to be centered. The different <li>-tags Have an variable width. Here is an example page: http://www.berkemann.com/ :


    Here is an example code:

    <div id="navi">  <ul>    <li>Home</li>    <li>BiBaBo</li>    <li>Tesssst<li>    <li>Beeeep</li>  </ul></div>
    #navi {  width: 990px;  margin: 0 auto; }ul {  list-style: none;}ul li {  float: left;  padding: 20px;  border-left: solid 1px;}

    Of course it would work with width: 25%; but I have an variable amount of list-items and I want the margin between items to be the same.


    I would be very glad about your help.



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