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Posts posted by brolie

  1. I absolutely agree. Coding is definitely better and I think these interface web builders are just trying to put coders out of business because why would you pay someone to write the coding when you can build some premade site for free?


    I also agree that $60/year shouldn't be that big of a deal. I think they are just not familiar enough, and I wasn't expecting to be confronted with the issue. They were even surprised that I was charging to write the code. Perhaps my next business venture will prove less trying.


    But as par their request, I searched for something comparable but cheaper and posting this thread is me getting other people's opinions as well. Godaddy seems to have a lot of tools for the same price as most hosts without them. I'm figuring it's probably their best bet? What are other hosting sites that people use that have ftp?


    (Thank you by the way..)

  2. Like site builders with an interface where you aren't using coding to build it.


    For the business that I just made this website for, $5/month was "bad news". I've been learning coding and programming for so long, that I haven't had to worry about hosting, but when I was hosting a few years back even, you could have your site hosted for $8-$12/year... or lycos/angelfire you had the FTP option for free and only the domain name cost money- around $12... so there was no monthly/yearly cost at all

  3. Sorry if this has already been answered or if I'm in the wrong subforum - bit of a newbie to the boards :)


    When I first started building websites, you HAD to write things out in HTML and load files. Now everything is drag and drop. I've written out an entire website in HTML/CSS/JS and now I can't find a host that has ftp file manager to upload files and folders that doesn't cost a butt load (like godaddy).


    Anyone have any recommendations?

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