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Posts posted by ronald

  1. hello, i think i got it all right, but it wont log.


    function Person(name,age) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.species = "Homo Sapiens";
    var sally = Person ("Sally Bowles",39);
    var holden = Person ("Holden Caulfield",16);
    console.log("sally's species is " + sally.species + " and she is " + sally.age);
    console.log("holden's species is " + holden.species + " and he is " + holden.age);
  2. hello,


    i tried to build a very simple function, and i failed allready. dissapointing. I can not find where i went wrong. plz help me.


    button 1: it should change the wordt "haai" to "yoyo" and then to "hallo". it does change haai to yoyo, but not beyond.

    button 2: it should change color (it does, so works fine).


    regards, ronald


    function hello() {
    var x = document.getElementById("hey");
    if(x = "haai"){
    var y = "yoyo";
    var y = "hallo";
    document.getElementById("hey").innerHTML = y;
    function red(){
    document.getElementById("hey").style.color = "red";
    <button onClick="hello()">click me</button>
    <button onClick="red()">click me</button>
    <p id="hey">haai</p>
  3. hi there,


    i got a prob with finding refence for attributes. perhaps im not looking right, or missing things.


    i started looking for div attributes, finding on w3s this:

    - The <div> tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML.

    - The <div> tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML.


    i also checkt this site:


    at 7.5.4 there is it about the div


    now, i got this: (and it works just fine)


    <!doctype html>
    <title>my first website</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    #myfirstdiv {border:2px solid red;
    <div id="myfirstdiv">hello there!</div>
    i figure, this are examples of attributes: top, left, position, border, width (thats what i think at least..)
    but i dont see those above on the reference links.
    do i interpret something wrong?
    regards, R
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