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Samurai Fox

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Posts posted by Samurai Fox

  1. How to grant access to only selected passcode? And to need to login into Disqus profile ( http://disqus.com/ ).

    1.- So I give user a passcode that he than uses to access member-only stuff (so, it's a closed site)

    2.- and later on he uses his/her Disqus profile to be part of community.

    3.-and to have pc/ device remember that passcode was already inputted (like on Steam where you have to give you pc/ device a name)

    Thank you

  2. How to grant access to only selected passcode? And to need to login into Disqus profile ( http://disqus.com/ ).


    1.- So I give user a passcode that he than uses to access member-only stuff (so, it's a closed site)

    2.- and later on he uses his/her Disqus profile to be part of community.

    3.-and to have pc/ device remember that passcode was already inputted (like on Steam where you have to give you pc/ device a name)


    Thank you


  3. So this:
    <ul><li class="page_item page-item-1"> <a href="./">Home</a>
    <li class="page_item page-item-2 page_item_has_children current_page_ancestor current_page_parent"> <a href="game/">Game</a>
    <li class="page_item page-item-3"> <a href="shape/">Shape</a>
    <li class="page_item page-item-4"> <a href="journey/">Journey</a>



    or this only:

    <a href="./">Home</a><a href="game/">Game</a><a href="shape/">Shape</a><a href="journey/">Journey</a>
  4. Than what's wrong here?


    <li class="page_item page-item-1">
    <a href="http://scrapelight.com/">Home</a></li>
    <li class="page_item page-item-2 page_item_has_children current_page_ancestor current_page_parent">
    <a href="http://scrapelight.com/game/">Game</a></li>
    <li class="page_item page-item-3">
    <a href="http://scrapelight.com/shape/">Shape</a></li>
    <li class="page_item page-item-4">
    <a href="http://scrapelight.com/journey/">Journey</a></li>
  5. ok...thanks

    one more thing...footer is responsive with this code and I don't know why. Its responsive when I size down my window, but when in fullscreen...it's like this:


    #footer {line-height: 96px;border-top-width: 4px;padding-bottom: 4px;border-top-style: solid;border-top-color: #202020;color: #FFF;text-align: center;background-color: #000;font-size: 1.em;}{margin: 0;padding: 0;border: 0;font-size: 100%;font: inherit;vertical-align: baseline;}
  6. wow...this is really funny because I didn't notice it before haha...so new "problem" for which I really don't know what to do is the next thing:

    1.-When I've put <p> in html red-box kind of went up, above access bar.

    2.-When I've added border-bottom, black part in circle appeared.

    I don't need red thing above access bar nor do I need the black part underneath the access bar (in circle):




    Code managed from here:

    #access a{	/* all links */	color: #FFF;	display: block;	line-height: 36px; /* is 44 but becuase of the 4px border it has to 4 less / height of the link boxes was 38 */ 	padding: 4px 10px 0 10px;	text-decoration: none;	width: 222px; /* menu item width, dose not incliude include the 1st and last item */	border-bottom-width:10px;	border-bottom-style: solid;	border-bottom-color:#202020;	font-size:21px;


  7. Ok...I changed the next and it works now like I want it:

    Just left width like it was...it was actually padding that was the problem ;)


    Previous code:

    #access .menu>ul>li:last-child a{ /* last element of the menu is a different width */	width: 178px; /* 154 */}#access .menu>ul>li:first-child a{ /* last element of the menu is a different width */	padding-left:5px;}

    Code now:

    #access .menu>ul>li:last-child a{ /* last element of the menu is a different width */	width: 178px; /* 154 */}#access .menu>ul>li:first-child a{ /* last element of the menu is a different width */	padding-left:46px;}


  8. I tried:

    #access ul ul a {	/* child items in the menu */	background-color:#000;	/* line-height: 1em; */	line-height: 40px; /* is 44 but becuase of the 4px border it has to 4 less / height of the link boxes was 1em */ 	padding:0 0 0 10px;	/* padding: 10px; */	/* width: 160px; 	width: 238px;*/	height: auto;	width:300px; /* wider so that big game names fit in the menu */

    width:300px; /* wider so that big game names fit in the menu */


    #access .menu>ul>li:last-child a{ /* last element of the menu is a different width */	width: 178px; /* 154 */}#access .menu>ul>li:first-child a{ /* last element of the menu is a different width */	padding-left:5px;}
  9. So I made a menu but I don't know how to strech it from left to the right side...tried everything I could think of. So my question is does anyone know how to do it?


    Problem pic:



    Code so far:

    #access {	background: #000;	display: block;	float: left;	margin: 0 auto;	/* width: 940px; 	width: 700px;*/	font-family:"Dekar Regular", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana , sans-serif;	font-size-adjust:0.49;	font-weight:normal;	font-style:normal;    padding: 0;}#access .menu-header,div.menu {	font-size: 13px;	margin-left: 0px;	/* width: 928px; */}#access .menu-header ul,div.menu ul {	list-style: none;	margin: 0;}#access .menu-header li,div.menu li {	float:  left;	position: relative;}#access a{	/* all links */	color: #FFF;	display: block;	line-height: 36px; /* is 44 but becuase of the 4px border it has to 4 less / height of the link boxes was 38 */ 	padding: 4px 10px 0 10px;	text-decoration: none;	width: 222px; /* menu item width, dose not include include the 1st and last item */	border-bottom-width:4px;	border-bottom-style:solid;	border-bottom-color:#000;	font-size:21px;}#access ul ul {	/*display: none;    ----------- NONE TOUCH DEVICES ONLY */	position: absolute;	top: 44px; /* match height of #access a 38 */ 	left: 0;	float: left;	/* width: 180px; 	width: 238px;*/	z-index: 99999;}#access ul ul li {	/* min-width: 180px; 	width:238px;*/}#access ul ul ul {	left: 100%;	top: 0;}#access ul ul a {	/* child items in the menu */	background-color:#000;	/* line-height: 1em; */	line-height: 40px; /* is 44 but becuase of the 4px border it has to 4 less / height of the link boxes was 1em */ 	padding:0 0 0 10px;	/* padding: 10px; */	/* width: 160px; 	width: 238px;*/	height: auto;	width:300px; /* wider so that big game names fit in the menu */}#access li:hover > a,#access ul ul :hover > a {	color: #ED2739;	/* background-color:#666; */}#access ul li:hover > ul {	/*display: block;  ----------- NONE TOUCH DEVICES ONLY */}#access ul li.current_page_item > a,#access ul li.current_page_ancestor > a,#access ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a,#access ul li.current-menu-item > a,#access ul li.current-menu-parent > a {	color: #ED2739;	/* background-color:#666; */}* html #access ul li.current_page_item a,* html #access ul li.current_page_ancestor a,* html #access ul li.current-menu-ancestor a,* html #access ul li.current-menu-item a,* html #access ul li.current-menu-parent a,* html #access ul li a:hover {	color: #ED2739;	/* background-color:#666; */}#access .menu>ul>li:last-child a{ /* last element of the menu is a different width */	width: 178px; /* 154 */}#access .menu>ul>li:first-child a{ /* last element of the menu is a different width */	padding-left:5px;}
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