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Posts posted by benw

  1. I have a .js script which is a slide show with captions. I am able to underline or bold the entire caption with the CSS but would like to bold and/or underline parts of it - not the entire caption.


    Can anyone help?


    The entire script is below. The captions are in function initCaption ().

    <!--var place = 0;var stop = 0;var auto = true;var secdelay = 3000;var current = 0;var cnt = 0;var bName;var bVer;var goodnum = 0;var buts = false;var caps = false;var browsercompatible = false;var x = new Array();var pcnt = 0;// x[0] = {"q":"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Fade(duration=0, overlap=0, center=0)"};function startdisplay()  {    if(bName != "Netscape") {         document.body.background = "#004800";   } }function changedisplay(cnt)  {         	 var pcnt = cnt + 1;         window.status = "Picture #" + pcnt + " of " + picz.length;       if(caps == true) {         var msg = document.getElementById("text");         msg.style.textAlign = "left";         msg.style.fontSize = "17";         msg.style.fontFamily = "Book Antiqua";         msg.style.color = TxtForeCol[cnt];    //       msg.style.textDecoration="none|underline|overline|line-through|blink|inherit"; //       msg.style.backgroundColor = TxtAreaBkCol[cnt];         msg.innerText = capz[cnt];         }//     if(browsercompatible) form1.docimage.style.filter=x[randomNum(x.length - 1)].q;       if(!document.images) return;       if(browsercompatible) document.form1.docimage.filters[0].apply();       document.form1.docimage.src= picz[cnt];       if(browsercompatible) document.form1.docimage.filters[0].play();       }function asktoclose() {         var quit = false;         quit = confirm("Are you sure you want to quit?");                if(quit==true)                   window.close();   }function initPics () { this.length = initPics.arguments.length;for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { this[i] = initPics.arguments[i];   } }var picz = new initPics ("scc1-vdh-marker.jpg","scc2-v.jpg","scc3-v.jpg","scc4-v.jpg","scc5-v.jpg","scc6-v.jpg","scc7-v.jpg","scc8-v.jpg","scc9-v.jpg","scc10-v.jpg","scc11-v.jpg","scc12-v.jpg","scc13-v.jpg","scc14-v.jpg","scc15-v.jpg","scc16-v.jpg","scc17-v.jpg","scc18-v.jpg");function initCaption () { this.length = initCaption.arguments.length;for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { this[i] = initCaption.arguments[i];   } }var capz = new initCaption ( "First Hole Tip: Hit your first shot toward the tree to the left of the green.","Second Hole","Third Hole","Fourth Hole","Fifth Hole","Sixth Hole","Seventh Hole","Eighth Hole","Ninth Hole","Tenth Hole","Eleventh Hole","Twelfth Hole","Thirteenth Hole","Fourteenth Hole","Fifteenth Hole","Sixteenth Hole","Seventeenth Hole","Eightteenth Hole");function initTxtForeCol () { this.length = initTxtForeCol.arguments.length;for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { this[i] = initTxtForeCol.arguments[i];   } }var TxtForeCol = new initTxtForeCol("#ffffff");function initTxtAreaBkCol () { this.length = initTxtAreaBkCol.arguments.length;for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { this[i] = initTxtAreaBkCol.arguments[i];   } }function keycheck() {          var charkey = 0;         var quit = false;         charkey = window.event.keyCode; switch (charkey) {           case 69:asktoclose();                  break; //exit          case 72:help();                  break; //help          case 32:checkIt(1);                  break; //spacebar          case 8:checkIt(-1);                  break; //backspace          case 83:togglenobuttons(0);                  break; //stop          case 65:togglenobuttons(1);                  break; //auto run          case 70:checkIt(1);                  break; //forward          case 66:checkIt(-1);                  break; //back          case 84:checkIt(3);                  break; //'t' fast forward          case 82:checkIt(-3);                  break; //'r' rewind                  default:togglenobuttons(0);                  break; //stop         }  }function help() {   alert("Use these keys as follows: 'H'(help), 'B'or backspace(back), 'F'or spacebar(forward), 'R'(rewind), 'T'(fast forward), 'A'(auto run), 'S'(stop), 'E'(exit) --- If no reaction to keys when pressed, hit the Tab key then press a key");  }function checkIt(val)  {  if(browsercompatible) {        if(buts == true) {          form1.aut.value = "Play";          form1.aut.title = "Press this Button to Start Movie Mode";         }       }          auto = false;		   		     goodnum =  place + val;//cntif(goodnum < 0)  { goodnum = 0;   changedisplay(goodnum);   alert("You are at the beginning! Press: 'Forward'");   } else if(goodnum > picz.length -1) { goodnum = picz.length -1;   changedisplay(goodnum);   alert("You are at the End of the Slide Show! Press: 'Back'");  }else { changedisplay(goodnum);       place = goodnum;   }  }function togglenobuttons(runnow)  {       if (runnow == 1) {     auto = true;     setTimeout('FlipImage()',secdelay); }else {     auto = false;  } }function autorun()  {    if (auto == false) {   document.net.aut.value = " Stop ";   document.net.ff.value = "  Forward  ";   document.net.bb.value = "  Back  ";   auto = true;   setTimeout('FlipImage()', secdelay);   }else if (auto == true) {    document.net.aut.value=" Play ";   auto = false;   } }function resetnetscapebutton() {   document.net.aut.value ="  Play  ";   auto = false; }function togglebuttons()  {    if (form1.aut.value == "Play")  {      form1.aut.value = "  Stop  ";      form1.aut.title = "Press any button to Stop auto mode!";      form1.ff.value = "  Forward  ";      form1.bb.value = "  Back  ";      auto = true;      setTimeout('FlipImage()', secdelay);  }else if (form1.aut.value != "Play")  {       form1.aut.value = "Play";       form1.aut.title = "Press this Button to Start Movie Mode!";       auto = false;   }  }function FlipImage()  {   var pcnt = 0;  if (auto == true) {      if (place < picz.length -1)       { place++; }     else if(place == picz.length -1)       { place = 0; }     else      { goodnum = 0; }       pcnt = place + 1;     if(buts == true && bName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")  {form1.aut.value = "Stop - Hole  # " + pcnt; } // + " of " + picz.length; } else if( (buts == true && bName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer") || (buts == true && bName=="Netscape") || (buts == true && bName==undefined) )  {document.net.aut.value = "Stop - Hole  # " + pcnt; } // + " of "  + picz.length; }         changedisplay(place);       setTimeout('FlipImage()', secdelay);     }  else     clearTimeout(stop);    }function picnum() {  if(browsercompatible || bName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") {      var pn = goodnum + 1;      form1.ff.value = "Forward - Hole # " + pn; //+ " of " + picz.length;      form1.bb.value = " Back - Hole # " + pn; // + " of " + picz.length ;     } else  {       var pn = goodnum + 1;     document.net.ff.value = "    Forward - Hole # " + pn //+ " of " + picz.length + "    ";     document.net.bb.value = "    Back - Hole # " + pn //+ " of " + picz.length + "     ";     }   }function hasbutscaps(b,c) {  buts = b;  caps = c;var useragent = navigator.userAgent;bName = (useragent.indexOf('Opera') > -1) ? 'Opera' : navigator.appName;var pos = useragent.indexOf('MSIE'); if (pos > -1) {bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 5);var pos = bVer.indexOf(';');bVer = bVer.substring(0,pos);}var pos = useragent.indexOf('Opera'); if (pos > -1)   {bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 6);var pos = bVer.indexOf(' ');bVer = bVer.substring(0, pos);}if (bName == "Netscape") {bVer = useragent.substring(8);var pos = bVer.indexOf(' ');bVer = bVer.substring(0, pos);}if (bName == "Netscape"  && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 5) {var pos = useragent.lastIndexOf('/');bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 1);}if(bName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && bVer >= 5.5)  browsercompatible = true;else browsercompatible = false;}function goRainbow() { if(bName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") startRainbow(); } function randomNum(n) {  number = Math.floor(Math.random()*(n+1));  return number;}    //-->

    Thanks for your help!



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