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Posts posted by partTimeRunner

  1. Ah! I need to be using VIM to spot these sort of things. Anyway, after fixing the conditional I did end up receiving errors:

    'expects parameter 2 to be resource' and 'expects parameter 1 to be mysqli'

    which can be fixed by changing the mysql_ funtions into mysqli_


    Problem solved. Thanks for the help.

  2. I need to send the data gathered from a web form to my database. The connection works, and I can use the data gathered from post to make a query statement that works when used in mysql directly. My php script fails when I call the mysql_query() function. No error is displayed despite having the conditional right after it. My code:

    <?phpini_set ("display_errors", "1");error_reporting(E_ALL);     $connection=mysqli_connect(/* not shown */);    if (mysqli_connect_errno())    {      echo "Failed to connect to database: " . mysqli_connect_error();    }     $_clubName = $_POST['clubname'];    $_clubRep = $_POST['clubrep'];    $_meetingID = $_POST['meeting_id'];     $_query = "UPDATE oh_checkin_2015      SET clubrep = '$_clubRep', meeting_2 = $_meetingID    WHERE clubname = '$_clubName'";     $_result = mysql_query($_query);    if (!$_result) die ("Database query failed: " . mysql _error());    else {echo 'successful query';}?>

    I have tried my best to locate the problem on my own and have looked up many other forums for a possible solution. If anyone can help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

  3. A few weeks ago I was given admin control of a Windows server. On it mySQL was already installed with no user accounts and databases set up. I have tried logging in as root, localhost, ect but any default account has been stripped of privileges.


    For example I get an error message reading: “Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password NO)”.


    This was done probably for security purposes. Either way I need to be able to set up an account so that I can make my database. My question – is it possible to create an account or give root the rights required to log into mySQL without already being logged in? The person who gave the server to me said that I would not need an account in order to make the database. This confuses me because with the limited experience I have had with mySQL I have had to been logged in to make any kind of change.


    What do you guys suggest?

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