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Posts posted by cflamey

  1. I'm looking to create an HTML page that lists the videos in a directory and the number of views. If I can get it automated to go to the next video with zero views, that would be a bonus.


    I've tried even just going to the directory (not My Videos) and seeing if I can even pull up the viewcount/playcount/last played attribute. I have been unsuccessful with this.


    I've tried online media browsers with my Roku box, but there is no such feature or even listing of playcount/last played.


    Any help is appreciated.

  2. "Reign" is an integer showing how many times the wrestler has held the particular title.


    I had "DateLost" as a null value for a while, but I changed the programming to have the computer choose how long the title reign would be. May have to end up going back to that to make it simpler.


    And yes, there are some serious limitations for Access SQL. Most of my database programming experience has been with Oracle. Now there's a powerful database engine!

  3. I write a fantasy wrestling blog where I'm rewriting wrestling history from 1983 on. I've taken a few months off the blog so that I can work on automating the update process through VB 6 and Microsoft Access 2000. The Access database has been converted back to a prior version of Access so that the VB coding works.


    I'm trying to come up with a SQL statement to bring up the list of current champions. Everything I try only gives me one record.


    Here's the table structure:


    Table: Titles









    The problem is making the SQL statement work to go through the multiple items in "Championship" instead of just the first one. I've tried using the Top, Max and Group By statements as found on this web site's help sections (which have been very helpful for other things I've forgotten in my years since I was a database programmer).


    What am I missing?

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