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Posts posted by Temnis

  1. Hey guys!


    I am messing around with some jQuery Stuff. Now I thought about having some "Draggable" Objects and an "Droppable" Object to drop the "Draggable" stuff into. I also can get the current position of a "Draggable" Object when I drop it.




    Is it possible to get all Objects already dropped into the "Draggable" Object? Like something finished I could use?



    • I have a "Droppable" Object.
    • Now I drag&drop some "Draggable" Objects into the "Droppable" Object.
    • Now I push a button.
    • This button calls a function.
    • And inside that function I want to "ask" the "Droppable" Objects:
    • "What is currently inside of you? And where is it?"

  2. Hey guys!


    This might be a very simple and stupid question, but here we go :Bucktooth:


    I have a php - function (getDropDownMenue($what, $id)). This functions works perfectly and returns a string, containing html - code. Now I am doing somthing on my Website and I need that string. To get it, I have a javascript Function (getDropDownMenue($what, $id)). It performs a POST Request using jQuery, asking the getDropDownMenue.php to return that string. The problem is, I only get "undefined" instead of the string.


    What am I doing wrong?


    functions.js - File

    function getDropDownMenue($what, $id){	$.post("getDropDownMenue.php", { what : $what, id : $id }, function($echoData) {		return $echoData;	});	}

    getDropDownMenue.php - File

    <?phprequire_once('functions.php');// Übergabe der Variabeln$what	=	$_POST["what"];$id		=	$_POST["id"];// Funktionsaufruf$string = getDropDownMenue($what, $id);echo $string;?>

    functions.php - File

    function getDropDownMenue($what, $id){	$string = "Irgendwas ist in der Funktion getDropDownMenue(php) schief gegangen...";	if($what == "ROOMPIC_URL"){		// Select Drop Down Menü		$string = '<select id="' . $id . '" name="Grundrisse"><option value="" disabled selected>URL</option>';		// Finde alle Dateien in dem Verzeichniss		if ($handle = opendir('roomPics')) {			while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {				if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {					$string = $string .  "<option value="" . $file . "">" . $file . "</option>";				}		    }		    closedir($handle);		}		$string = $string .  "</select>";	}else{		$string = "Der Funktion getDropDownMenue(php) ist die " . $what . " nicht bekannt!";	}	return $string;}
  3. Hey guys!


    This time, I have a very special problem.


    What do I want?

    • I want to create a User Interface.
    • With this User Interface the User shall be able to drag&drop a Button out of a html-Table into a SVG.
    • Now I want to save this constellation of the SVG and the positioned Buttons permanently on my Webserver.
    • I want to load the saved file later on another site to use the buttons.

    Here is a small picture of how it should look like (some day)


    What do I have?

    • I have the html-Table with buttons inside.

    So what do you think? Is there an "easy" Solution for this Problem? If no, how could I accomplish such functionalities?


  4. Hey guys!


    I have yet again, another stupid noob question :dirol:


    I have a php-file, which does something with my mySQL Database.

    <?php// something more or less useful?> 

    Now I want this php-file to be executed every hour, or maybe once a day, or maybe even once a minute. I'm not pretty sure yet. But it shall happen without a client being logged in and telling the server to do so.


    How do I accomplish that? I have not the slightest clue where to start.


    My testserver is the IIS V8.5.9600.16384 on my Windows 8.1 PC, but the website will later be deployed on a raspberry pi.

  5. Hey guys!


    I have another pretty simple problem.


    I have some html-code with an onClick function call.

    <table>	<th onclick="$(document).ready(somefunction());">		some stuff	</th></table>

    Now I want to write a JavaScript function, to swap "somefunction()" with "someotherfunction()". How can I achieve that?


    The purpose of all of this is, to create a <table><th> that does something on the first click, and something else on the second click.

  6. Hey guys!


    I have a simple problem. I have a html table with some stuff in it:

    <table id="selectable">	<th>    		some stuff	</th>	<tr><td>    		some stuff	</td></tr>	<tr><td>    		some stuff	</td></tr>	<tr><td>    		some stuff    </td></tr></table>

    Now I have some CSS for all tables on my webpage, and some CSS for all tables with id="selectable".

    table {	position: relative;	margin-right: auto;	margin-left: auto;	width: auto;}#selectable table {	position: relative;	margin-right: 0px;	margin-left: 0px;	width: 100%;}

    BUT the table is always styled with the properties of table {...}, instead of the properties of #selectable table {...} and I have no clue why. What am I doing wrong?

  7. Hey guys!


    I have a stupid questions! I have a table with some rows. Every row has its unique id.

    <table id="CONNECTION">    <tr id="id1">        <td>1</td>        <td>0</td>    </tr>    <tr id="id2">        <td>2</td>        <td>0</td>    </tr></table>

    Now I want to write a function. Something like popGreen($rowID). That function should change the background color of a single row to green. After that, the background color should slowly fade away.


    How do I do that? I'm pretty sure there is an easy way to do this with jQuery, but I don't know where to start.


    Any Ideas?

  8. Hello!


    I am pretty new to php & mySQL and I have some questions regarding to it.


    I have a function that reads out a mySQL database and shows the information in a HTML - table. It also creates buttons in some rows in a seperate column, depending on the value of the column named "ART". This part works already. Now the created buttons shall call the switchID() - function when clicked. But I don't have a clue how to do that. I marked the part in the code. Any advice is welcome!


    Here is the code:



    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------function getTable($page, $type){// -----------------------------------------------------------------------	require '/var/www/con2mySQL.php';	$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM CONNECTION");		// Creating first row        echo     "<table border='1'><tr>	          <th>ID</th>		  <th>Zustand</th>		  <th>Art</th>		  <th>Device</th>		  <th>Schalter</th>		 </tr>";// Creating the other rows	while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {											$buttonName = "button" . $row['ID'];		echo "<tr>";		echo "<td>" . $row['ID'] . "</td>";		echo "<td>" . $row['ZUSTAND'] . "</td>";		echo "<td>" . $row['ART'] . "</td>";		echo "<td>" . $row['DEVICE'] . "</td>";		echo "<td>";// Creating the button		if ($row['ART'] == "o"){			echo    "<form name='Buttons' action='" . $page . "." . $type . "' method='post'>				    <input type='submit' name='" . $buttonName . "' value='Zustand wechseln' />	                         </form>";		}// -----------------------------------------------------------------------	// Giving the button a function. This is the part I struggle and don't know how to solve.		echo	"<?php                          if(isset($_Post[" . $buttonName . "])){			     switchID(" . $row['ID'] . ",0,1);			 } 			 ?>";// -----------------------------------------------------------------------		echo "</td>";		echo "</tr>";			}	echo "</table>";	mysqli_close($con);								}

    Here is also the index.php, where the getTable() - function is used.

    <?php require_once('/var/www/functions.php'); ?><html><head> <title>Testing</title></head><body><form name="Buttons" action="index.php" method="post">   <input type="submit" name="GetTable" value="Datenbank auslesen" />   <input type="submit" name="Kill0to1" value="ID 1904 0 -> 1" />   <input type="submit" name="Kill1to0" value="ID 1904 1 -> 0" /></form><?php	if  (isset($_POST["GetTable"])) { 		getTable(index, php);    }	if  (isset($_POST["Kill0to1"])) { 		switchID(1904,0,1);    } 	if  (isset($_POST["Kill1to0"])) { 		switchID(1904,1,0);    }?></body></html>

    PS. Sorry for my bad english. B)

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