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Posts posted by NewEra13

  1. Hello i have these 2 metrics that works good so far:

    -- --------------------------------------------
    -- Nb Unique Accounts 
    -- -------------------------------------------
    select count(distinct(O.user_id))
    from DB.order O LEFT JOIN DB.orderCompleted OrC
        ON O.id  = OrC.order_id
    where reason in ('2') 


    -- --------------------------------------------
    -- Nb Accounts that are eighter deactivated or invalid
    -- -------------------------------------------
    select count(distinct(O.user_id))
    from DB.order O JOIN DB.orderCompleted OrC
        ON O.id  = OrC.order_id
    where reason (0,1) 


    QUESTION#1: We now need a 3 rd metric that will caclculate the % of nb of accounts that are eighter deactivated or invalid. How could we acheive that ?

    QUESTION#2: We would also like to only have 1 big SQL performing all 3 small queries above in order to then use this unioned or joined big sql into a Business Intelligence Reporting Tool that allows to use sql coding in order to display it in a crossTab 


    Thanks to all !

  2. Hello,


    1- We have some recors that exists in our "datamart" table but doesn't exists anymore in our source system tables.


    2- Therefore, we want to hardcore "Unknown" or 0 values into some of those record's columns (column1 and column2 for example)


    3- This is our 2 tables beeing involved:




    4- We want to UPDATE our Datamart.TableA table as mentionned above in order to insert "Unknown" or 0 values on the columns of the recors that NO longer exists in our SourceSystem.TableB


    5- This is how our 2 tables are linked:

    Datamart.TableA.Enumber = SourceSystem.TableB.Eid


    Datamart.TableA.AccountNo = SourceSystem.TableB.AccountID



    I sort of have an idea that i will probably need to use a NOT EXISTS somewhere in my code as well as

    Datamart.TableA.Eunmber = SourceSystem.TableB.Eid


    Datamart.TableA.AccountNo = SourceSystem.TableB.AccountID


    But, i'm not quite sure how to formulate all this. Any advice please ?

  3. Hello again,


    By the way could you help me make this update work as for i'm getting the error message:

    Incorrect syntax near ')'



    UPDATE dbo.Part


    SET SupplierShortName = NationalSupplier.ShortName,


    SupplierLongName = NationalSupplier.LongName


    from(SELECT *


    FROM dbo.Part


    JOIN dbo.NationalSupplier


    ON Part.SupplierNumber = NationalSupplier.Number


    AND (ISNULL(Part.SupplierShortName,'') <> ISNULL(NationalSupplier.ShortName,'')


    OR ISNULL(Part.SupplierLongName,'') <> ISNULL(NationalSupplier.LongName,''))


    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.NationalPart


    ON Part.NationalPartID = NationalPart.NationalPartID


    WHERE Part.DWCreationEntityID = 1


    AND NationalPart.NationalPartID is NULL)

  4. Hello,


    I need to fake data in our development table by creating new row with a new EntityID = 100 but that could have all other data as the same as for EntityID = 99 for example.


    Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 2

    Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'XPK_FactTable'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'DataBase.FactTable'.

    The statement has been terminated.



    Thanks !

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