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Posts posted by gnash

  1. If this helps anyone with helping me. I just noticed the dynamic web template function is turned off on my format tool bar. Even though it let me save it a page as dwt... So I am so very confused. It was working just fine a week ago and before up until last night.



  2. I hope this is in the right category.


    I have been working on a website in expression web 4 before. I have saved html webpages to templates in my last project. Now all the sudden when working on a new project. I created my html page and went to save it to dwt template. It would allow me to do that. BUT when I go to define the edible regions, I usually right click and my template manager is there to ask me several things to do, one being define edible regions. Well today all the sudden, when I followed the same workflow I usually do, when I right click nothing comes up that has anything to do with templates.


    Any idea what might have happened? I thought it might be a glitch in the software, so I uninstalled it and then re installed it and still does the same thing. What am I doing wrong or does it sound like there is something wrong all the sudden with expression web??


    thanks for any help in this matter. Its very frustrating.

  3. Hello


    I am trying to figure out how (and its probably simple) to incorporate a photo gallery that I created in html/css into my main website I designed using html/css. I am using Dreamweaver


    The gallery has its own css photo gallery style page. I just want to incorporate the two together into one page. Such as:








    The header and footer will be part of a gallery template and then will just change out the gallery sections.


    Thanks in advance.



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