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Posts posted by antonysimpson

  1. Hey dude, your right. I spent hours examining my code closely last nite, and finally found the same as you. Then I logged on here to check responces and you'd spotted it too!! Thanks again!!Antony

  2. <?php$valueOfgb = $_GET['gbpage'];if ($valueOfgbpage=="")	{echo "first 5 comments";		echo "1";echo "2";echo "3, etc.";echo "<a href=\"page.php?gbpage=1">Next Page</a>}elseif ($valueOfgbpage=="1")	{echo "next 5 comments";echo "6";echo "7";echo "8, etc.";}elseecho "Error";?>

    Hiya Guys, im wanting the code of print the next 5 comments and remove the previous 5 but it doesnt work!! It just continues to display the first 5 comments, can anyone help?Cheers,antony x

  3. HiyaThanks for the replys. Im trying to create normal links on my-photos.php, like

    <a href="photo-browse.php?album=other>Other Photos</a>

    And then in photo-browse.php I have the code:

    <?php$valueOfalbum = $_GET['album'];echo $valueOfalbum>?

    It comes up with an error, whats wrong guys?I eventually want to put an if code together to check the value and then to echo the appropriate photo. With next and previous photos to load them.Antony.

  4. Hiya Guys!!I've got a few links on a page like this:

    <a href="photo-browse.php?other">

    Now I want to know how to check what the "other" value is in the address bar in photo-browse.php?Can anyone help?Antony.

  5. I was acutally quite impressed that having a look a few bits and bats of code online I came up with:

    <body bgcolor="99CCFF"><font face="Verdana"><font size="1"><?phplist($sMonth, $sDay) =  explode(",", date("M,j"));$fil = fopen('dates.txt', r);$dat = fread($fil, filesize('dates.txt')); $array = file('dates.txt');$sDayed = $sDay - 1;$sDayed2 = $sDay + 1;$sDayed3 = $sDay + 2;$sDayed4 = $sDay + 3;$sDayed5 = $sDay + 4;$sDayed6 = $sDay + 5;$sDayed7 = $sDay + 6;$sDayed8 = $sDay + 7;$sDayed9 = $sDay + 8;echo "$array[$sDayed]";echo "$array[$sDay]";echo "$array[$sDayed2]";echo "$array[$sDayed3]";echo "$array[$sDayed4]";echo "$array[$sDayed5]";echo "$array[$sDayed6]";echo "$array[$sDayed7]";echo "$array[$sDayed8]";echo "$array[$sDayed9]";fclose($fil);?>

    Not as easy persay as your code, but was nevertheless impressed with my ability to fix it, lol.Thanks for the reply though :)

  6. <?phplist($sMonth, $sDay) =  explode(",", date("M,j"));$fil = fopen('dates.txt', r);$dat = fread($fil, filesize('dates.txt')); echo $dat;fclose($fil);?>

    This is the code I have for opening and reading a file. Now all I need is a piece of code to get the code to take the $sDay value (e.g. 6) and go down the 6th line in the text file, read and echo the code on that line.After this I was somehow going to use a loop system to something like $sDay +1 then the go to line code in the file. Either that or do it easlier by going for copying the code and adding $sDay + 1 seven other times, what do you think?Can you help me out?Thanks once again!Antony.

  7. hiya, heres the current code:

    <body bgcolor="99CCFF"><font face="Verdana"><font size="1"><p><b>01 Jan</b> - A / L<br><b>02 Jan</b> - A / L<br><b>03 Jan</b> - A / L<br><b>04 Jan</b> - A / L<br><b>05 Jan</b> - A / L<br><b>06 Jan</b> - A / L *<br><b>07 Jan</b> - A / L *<br><b>08 Jan</b> - A / L *<br>

    I'm wanting a code to put in front of this in php to check the current date and then print the relevent one and the next 7 days after it totalling 8.I'm not quite sure how to go about it. Can anyone help? I cant even get code to just print the date.Thanks,Antony. X

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