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Posts posted by Nichard

  1. Hi all,


    My name is Richard and I am looking to build a website that is basically a membership site for people of a certain profession to join either on a monthly or annual sign up, not sure yet, to advertise their profiles on. I want the site to be responsive as I have been reading up on how many people use how many different devices and screen sizes and I don't really want to go down the template route so I want the site hand coded as much as is possible. I have started to learn html, css and some javascript from W3schools, youtube, podcasts and other places and so far things are going ok with the homepage layout and styling.


    My queries are that I need the site to have a search function so that customers can type in either their town or county (uk) to find a registered professional in my database and from the list of pro's have each with their own profile page listing their details and contact info. In what order should I be learning coding languages to be able to create the functions that I need? or do I need plug ins? I also need some type of payment method which makes it simple for people who want to list their services on my site. The membership will be a fixed price, kind of like a buy it now so no need for any high tech e commerce.


    Any advice would be much appreciated

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