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Posts posted by Architect

  1. Hey!


    I have solved two problems:First: I changed my sql table so it includes "id" row, i'm sorting all the posts by id value (descending).

    Second: I managed to play around with the jsfiddle and figure out all the divs. (YAY!)


    Now only one problem left: how to loose the "submit" button and submit text via "enter" from the <textarea>?


    Thanks you all!

  2. Hey you all!

    I'm sorry if it's in the wrong topic, but couldn't find a more suitable one.I've struggled with my code for the past two days, but somehow can't get it to work.First off HTML+PHP+MySQL code:

    			if($_POST){		   $name = $fgmembersite->UserFullName();		   $comment = $_POST['comment'];		   $connect = mysql_connect("random", "ranom", "random", "random") or die(mysql_error());		   if($connect){		      mysql_select_db("random",$connect);		      $query = "INSERT INTO data(Name, Comment, date) VALUES ("" . $name . "","" . $comment . "",'DATETIME: Auto CURDATE()')";		      if(mysql_query($query)){		         		      }		   } else {		      die ("Error: " . mysql_error());		   }		}				$connect = mysql_connect("random", "random", "random", "random");		if($connect){		      mysql_select_db("random",$connect);		      $query7 = "SELECT * FROM data ORDER BY date DESC";		      $result = mysql_query($query7);		      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){		         echo '<br />' . $row['Name'] . ': ';;		         echo $row['Comment'];      		      }		} else {		   die ("Error: " . mysql_error());		}		?>
    CSS code:
    			body{		    background:#FFFFFF;		    font:bold 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;		    margin:0;		    padding:0;		    min-width:960px;		    color:#303030;		    text-align: center;		}				#header {		    background-color:#FFFFFF;		    color:#303030;		    padding:5px;		   list-style-type: none;		   margin-left:0px;		   padding-left:0px;		   min-width: 960px;		}				#section {		   margin-left: 80%;		    width:350px;		    padding:10px;		}				#vasak {		    line-height:30px;		    background-color:#eeeeee;		    height:300px;		    width:100px;		    float:left;		    padding:5px;		}		   		#parem {		    width:350px;		    float:left;		    padding:10px;		}						.logo img		{		float: left;		margin-left: 10%;		}				.logo p {		float: right;		text-align: right;		display:inline-block;		padding: 0;		}				.kastike {		text-align: center;		}								.container {width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden;}				#content {   float: left; width: 100%;}				.tervitus {		margin-left: 10%;		margin-top: 0;		}				.sein {		margin-left: 10%;		margin-top: 0%;		}				.ptekst {		float: none;		margin-left: 600px;		}
    			<div id="header">		<div class="kastike">		<form action = "" method = "POST">		   <textarea style="resize:none" name = "comment" rows = "5" cols = "60"></textarea>		   <input type = "submit" value = "Postita">		   </form>		</div>		</div>	
    I have a header with a textarea in it, CODE:This is what I have this far:When I type something in the textarea and click "submit" - it is sent to MySQL database, after that my code reads from the table and echoes it back on the page.My 1st problem: My table has three rows: "Name - varchar" ; "Comment - varchar" ; "date - timestamp".I'd like to print all the messages in reverse order (newest post are on the top). My code at the moment sometimes works, sometimes messes it all up.Second problem - I can't make the textarea "submit" work via 'Enter'. Things I have tried this far: jQuery and JS.Third problem (with CSS). I'd like my page to look something like that:
    			|        <textbox>       |		|    |		|side|  |$name 1 :|  |$comment1|		|    |  |$name 2 :|  |$comment2|		|    |  |$name 3 :|  |$comment3|	

    I'd like to read from the MySQL table and but the $name and $comment in separate <div>s.

    All the imported divs should be on a new line.I believe I have tried almost everything and now I'm out of ideas.

    Sorry if my poor skill in English messed something up.Thanks in advance!Architect


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