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Posts posted by Es_Dexter

  1. Hello,


    I have been developing a website for a school project in html, css and javascript. We'll be using the website for an interactive board game. One of the most important elements of the website are the scoreboard and the game questions. The game questions basically give a specific amount of points if correctly answered. The points will then be sent to the scoreboard, and saves it. The scoreboard makes use of cookies to save the data/reset the data.


    And here comes my problem.. the scoreboard works great in Internet Explorer and Firefox, but not in Google Chrome. I have followed a tutorial on how to use cookies on w3schools (http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp) to help create the scoreboard. The cookies apparently do not work for me when I use Google Chrome, which is very unfortunate.


    I would really like the website and cookies to be cross-browser compatible, and therefore I need some help. If anyone could help me out, then that would be great!


    These are my scripts:



    <!doctype html><html lang=nl><head>	<meta charset=utf-8>	<script src="cookie.js"></script>	</head><!--  dit is jouw hoofdpagina. zie ook commentaar op pag2.html	Script toevoegen op al je pagina's	bij je hoofdpagina bij de body onload=checkScore() toevoegen--><body onload=checkScore()>	<a href=pag2.html>Klik hier voor 10 punten</a><br>	<a href=pag3.html>Klik hier voor 5 punten</a>	<!-- deze div moet toegevoegd worden op de plek waar je de score 		wilt zien -->	<div id=score>	</div>		<!-- button om de scores op nul te zetten -->	<button onclick="reset()">Reset</button></body></html>


    <!doctype html><html lang=nl><head>	<meta charset=utf-8>	<script src="cookie.js"></script>	<script>		var erbij=10;				function terug() {			createCookie("erbij", erbij);			window.location.assign("index.html");		}	</script></head><body>	<button onclick="terug()">Terug</button>	<button onclick="erbij=erbij+1">punten</button></body></html>


    <!doctype html><html lang=nl><head>	<meta charset=utf-8>	<script src="cookie.js"></script>	<script>		var erbij=5;				function terug() {			createCookie("erbij", erbij);			//window.history.back();			window.location.assign("index.html");		}	</script></head><body>	<button onclick="terug()">Terug</button></body></html>


    function checkScore() {		var s=getCookie("score");		if (s != "") {			erbij=getCookie("erbij");			if (erbij == "") {				erbij="0";			}			score= (parseInt(s)+parseInt(erbij)).toString();			createCookie("score", score);		}		else {			score="0";			createCookie("score", score);			erbij="0";			createCookie("erbij", erbij);		}		document.getElementById("score").innerHTML="Score: "+score;	}				function createCookie(name, value, days) {		var expires;		if (days) {			var date = new Date();			date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));			expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();		}		else {			expires = "";		}		var t=name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";		document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";	}	function getCookie(cname) {		var name = cname + "=";		var ca = document.cookie.split(';');		for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) {			var c = ca[i];			while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1);			if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {				return c.substring(name.length, c.length);			}		}		return "";	}		function eraseCookie(name) {		createCookie(name,"",-1);	}		function reset() {		document.getElementById("score").innerHTML="Score: 0";		eraseCookie("score");		eraseCookie("erbij");	}

    All I need is the cookies to work in Google Chrome.


    Thanks in advance,



  2. Hello,

    I'm currently working on a school project involving a bunch of coding in html, css and js. The project's purpose is to basically build a website containing a 'quiz' system. I've already managed to successfully create one, but I'm not yet fully satisfied with it. The quiz contains 21 questions in total, and each question has their own html page; 21 pages in total. Now I have been using a java code to call a random page when a button is pressed on the home website (index.html). It works properly, but it often redirects me to the same page every time I click the button. I want to prevent it from visiting the same page whenever the button is pressed, until all 21 pages have been visited, at which point it resets the data and starts over.

    I have been looking for a kind of script for this, but can't seem to find it. My only option would be to ask for help, which is why I'm here. :Pleased:

    This is the code I am currently using for the page randomizer:

                            var howMany = 20; // max number of items listed below                        var page = new Array(howMany+1);                        page[0]="spelopdracht1.html";                        page[1]="spelopdracht2.html";                        page[2]="spelopdracht3.html";                        page[3]="spelopdracht4.html";                        page[4]="spelopdracht5.html";                        page[5]="spelopdracht6.html";                        page[6]="spelopdracht7.html";                        page[7]="spelopdracht8.html";                        page[8]="spelopdracht9.html";                        page[9]="spelopdracht10.html";                        page[10]="spelopdracht11.html";                        page[11]="spelopdracht12.html";                        page[12]="spelopdracht13.html";                        page[13]="spelopdracht14.html";                        page[14]="spelopdracht15.html";                        page[15]="spelopdracht16.html";                        page[16]="spelopdracht17.html";                        page[17]="spelopdracht18.html";                        page[18]="spelopdracht19.html";                        page[19]="spelopdracht20.html";                        page[20]="spelopdracht21.html";                                                function rndnumber(){                        var randscript = -1;                        while (randscript < 0 || randscript > howMany || isNaN(randscript)){                        randscript = parseInt(Math.random()*(howMany+1));                        }                        return randscript;                        }                        quo = rndnumber();                        quox = page[quo];                        window.location=(quox);                        }                        }

    If there is anything you can do, please let me know. I would really appreciate your help! ^.^

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