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Posts posted by fablau

  1. Hello everyone.I have a question about HTML4 vs HTML5 which is about the used doctype, at the top of the HTML page.I am currently using the HTML4 doctype definition on my website:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"*"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">And that’s because "most" of the code used on the page is pre-HTML5, but I am also using some new HTML5 definitions such as the <NAV> tag, the <AUDIO> tag, and others.... so, I plan to update all my pages by cleaning the code to make them fully HTML5 compliant, but what's better doing during this "transition" phase? To update my entire website will take several months, therefore my question is: During this "working" period, is it better to stick with the HTML4 doctype definition I have been using so far (even though I have some HTML5 elements in my pages), or use the newest HTML5 doctype (<!DOCTYPE html>) even if there are tons of deprecated attributes and tags?What really concerns me is what's better for modern browsers. If I try to validate my page with the current used HTML4 doctype like in this testing page below:Download Sheet Music at Virtual Sheet Music® | Classical, Traditional and MoreThe W3 validator at Validation Results - W3C Markup Validator gives me around 10 errors... but if I change the doctype to HTML5 for the exact same page, the validator gives me over 70 errors, mostly because of "obsolete" tags and definitions in the page.Here is the same exact page with the HTML5 doctype I have used for this test:Download Sheet Music at Virtual Sheet Music® | Classical, Traditional and MoreThen… until I don’t really get rid of all old “obsolete” stuff on my pages, what do you think is better doing in my case? Stick with HTML4 doctype or use the newest HTML5 one?Thank you in advance for any thoughts.Best,Fab.

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