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Posts posted by Yannis

  1. furthermore i would like to ask how i can save the data and call them in an other page i have made. Moreover i would like to know how to display me them in the other page. Thank you again for your time!

  2. we are making an online booking service of a restaurant, and we would like to know how we can save and have the data as (date, time, people etc) from the curent page, to the next page where the user choose the table and finish the booking. Thank's in advance!!

  3. I would like to ask about a problem in the following code, inside the second if i don't get back the else condition of command "if".If you may help us we would be very grateful!!Thank you for your time!!


    <script type="text/javascript">

    function displayName(form){
    var browsername=window.location.href=="istoria.html";
    if (confirm('Time ' +form.wra.value + ' atoma ' + form.atoma.value + ' ' + form.sala.value ) == true) {
    if (sala==sala_ble){
    window.open("ble sala.html")
    else if (sala==sala_kafe) {
    window.open("kafe sala.html")
    }else {
    x=alert("try again")
    <select name="sala" id="sala">
    <option value="sala_ble">sala_ble</option>
    <option value="sala_kafe">sala_kafe</option>



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