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Posts posted by BJOBrien

  1. I've got a string of characters that look like


    Echo procedure 12/20/2016 12:05:32 PM


    The first word of the line can change. The second word is always procedure then a date and then a time then AM or PM


    how can I see if a string I have 'matches' this format?

  2. I have three canvasses on my web page as illustrated here:

    https://www.dropbox....um/ccs.png?dl=0I've been trying to control how they are positioned and scrolled.Grey Canvas:Is locked to the top of the web page and only scrolls horizontally.Brown Canvas:Is locked to the left side of the web page and only scrolls verticallyBlue Canvas:Is free to scroll horizontally and vertically.As the blue canvas scrolls vertically so does the Brown Canvas.As the blue canvas scrolls horizontally so does the Grey Canvas.The z-index is shown so as to illustrate how objects are stacked.

    <html>	<head>		<style type='text/css'>		canvas.headerCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			height:50px;			width:1000px;			background-color:grey; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:2;		}		canvas.leftCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			height:950px;			width:50px;			background-color:yellow; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:1;		}		canvas.bodyCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			display:block;			height:1000px;			width:1000px;			background-color:blue; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:0;		}		</style>	</head>	<body>		<canvas id='CanvasH' class='headerCanvas'></canvas>		<canvas id='CanvasL' class='leftCanvas'></canvas>		<canvas id='CanvasB' class='bodyCanvas'></canvas>	</body></html>

    What I'm trying to figure out is how to trap the scroll event for the main canvas, then I can position the others manually... I think.

    It has been suggested that a flexbox might be a more appropriate object than a canvas but I don't know much about them.


    Any help is appreciated.






  3. Moving it to javascript seems to make sense if you are going to use javascript for dynamic positioning rather than CSS.


    However the reference to a spreadsheet has me confused. I can't think of any sort of design where canvas would be an appropriate element for implementing a spreadsheet style application. What you might actually need is flexbox: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_flex.asp


    Thanks I will look at that.

    Row 0 is 'like' an x axis while column 0 is the time axis.


    I draw the entire plot on the canvas and as I scroll it around...

    (I can't fit the entire plot on the screen and don't want to use a zoom as the detail when everything is viewable is too small.)


    So as I pan the canvas I want the axis to move....


    Another example that fits this paradym is a map that you scoll and the x/y axises are lat/long.



    Thanks for your input... Always ready to hear any suggestions.

  4. Would you agree that it might be time to move this thread to the Javascript group?

    I think I need to move the layer 0 and 1 around with java script (as you recommended) and just let layer 0 do it's own thing.


    Think of this like a spread sheet.. where column 0 doesn't move (horizontally) and row 0 doesn't move vertically.

    I respect your opinion on limiting motion but this would seem like a pretty standard interface, wouldn't it?

  5. :sorry: sorry... drop box let me down...

    <html>	<head>		<style type='text/css'>		canvas.headerCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			height:50px;			width:1000px;			background-color:grey; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:2;		}		canvas.leftCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			height:950px;			width:50px;			background-color:yellow; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:1;		}		canvas.bodyCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			display:block;			height:1000px;			width:1000px;			background-color:blue; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:0;		}		</style>	</head>	<body>		<canvas id='CanvasH' class='headerCanvas'></canvas>		<canvas id='CanvasL' class='leftCanvas'></canvas>		<canvas id='CanvasB' class='bodyCanvas'></canvas>	</body></html>
  6. I have three canvasses on my web page as illustrated here:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4wpsqfoboyi43um/ccs.png?dl=0I've been trying to control how they are positioned and scrolled.Grey Canvas:Is locked to the top of the web page and only scrolls horizontally.Brown Canvas:Is locked to the left side of the web page and only scrolls verticallyBlue Canvas:Is free to scroll horizontally and vertically.As the blue canvas scrolls vertically so does the Brown Canvas.As the blue canvas scrolls horizontally so does the Grey Canvas.The z-index is shown so as to illustrate how objects are stacked.I have attempted to use Google chrome (F9) to get this right but have failed miserably.Any help is appreciated.TIAB.

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