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Posts posted by SimonD

  1. I have some javascript which is loading an XML document and filtering the elements based on a particular attribute.

    The XML structure is similar to the structure below:

    <locations>  <region name="metro" title="Metropolitan">     <location type="HQ">        <name>Head Office</name>     </location>     <location type="NM">        <name>North Metro</name>     </location>  </region>   <region name="south" title="Southern region">     <location type="SR">        <name>South Regional Office</name>     </location>  </region> </locations> 

    The javascript is extracting the elements for a specified region, the relevent lines of code are as follows:

    // supplied region name in this case is "metro"var _xpath = "/locations/region[@name="" + regionName + ""]";var _regionList;// code for IE .... not shown// code for other browsers_regionList = mLocationsXmlDoc.evaluate(_xpath, mLocationsXmlDoc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);

    Now this works perfectly well in Firefox, Chrome and Opera… but does not work in Safari.

    When executing in Safari, the _regionList variable ends up as null with an error message "TYPE_ERR: DOM XPath Exception 52: The expression could not be converted to return the specified type" thrown and I can't figure out why. Any help and suggestions would be appreciated

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