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Posts posted by dksvertix

  1. I have an automated script that reads words from an element to match them with variables which contents will then be fed to a popup script which finally displays the definitions of the words read by the first script.

    I Googled for a solution, read Stack Overflow, but the posts also said same thing: not possible (the easy way/requires expert skills), makes no sense.

    And yeah, I already have a data structure ready and working. Just still hoped that perhaps there is a simple solution to make that data table smaller by removing "name" values which would be read from identifier instead.

  2. Is it possible, in a simple way, to read a variable's identifier to store it in a temporary variable?


    From something like this:

    var garfield = "Gimme lasagne!";

    Read variable's identifier, to find out that ahaa!, it was Garfield who said that.


    window is the root object, the global scope.


    Any time you declare a variable in the global scope it becomes a property of the window. Properties can be accessed either by dot notation ( window.alert ) or by square brackets ( window["alert"] ). The advantage of square brackets is that you can use variables as property names:

    var f = "alert";
    console.log( window[f] );


    Well explained. Thank you!

  4. var word = "something";
    if(window[word]) {
      console.log("Property " + word + " exists in the global scope.");



    One thing that still haunts me: what exactly is




    I want to explain this function for myself clearly, but I can't find any information about what it is exactly.


    I would have asked you for an example, because this idea makes little sense to me.


    I'm writing a book with integrated dictionary. Under number 3 I meant if word is defined (declared as variable), then replace the word with function call that displays a popup with word's definition. I don't think there's anything wrong with that?

  6. Hi, newbie here, I want to achieve the following:


    1. Read words on a webpage, one by one.
    2. Check if the word exists as a declared variable.
    3. If true, replace the word with call to a function.


    I need ideas, pointers to materials, how to do the above without using any external add-ons.

  7. Yeah, it is pretty specific. Currently 17px is valid for unmodified Firefox and IE11. A more universal workaround would indeed be to create invisible elements and measure their width differences - I think that was the way to do it - to check if there is a scroll bar and what is its width.

  8. Yes, that is a good idea. Many similar numbers are just confusing for the eye.


    Well I figured this much out about these magic numbers appearing from nowhere - there are no magic numbers! document.body.offsetWidth was creating the excess mess in the first half and then it was transfered to second half with the help of bad logic.


    But the day is saved now.

  9. I recently started learning JS, I am not an expert in english language and I need help understanding from where do 2 numbers come from. Marked them with MYSTERIOUS NUMBER at the bottom part. I think I am doing it right enough, since all this does do what I wanted to achieve.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>The Proverbs of Solomon</title>    <style type="text/css">html { /* Makes text better for readability */    text-shadow: 0 0 #000;    font-family: sans-serif; /* default sans */}.ht {    font-size: xx-large;}.nt {    font-size: large;}.tf {    font-size: small;}.tsw {    width: 655px;}.ct {    text-align: center;}#popup {    position: absolute;    left: -300px;    width: 262px;    border: 1px solid #000;    background-color: #fff;    visibility: hidden;    z-index: 100;}.ph {    color: #fff;    background-color: #000;}.dwph { /* Must be here */}</style></head><body><div id="popup"></div><br /><br /><table width="100%">    <tr>        <td>            <table align="center" class="tsw">                <tr>                    <th>                        <noscript>                            <div class="ph nt">Enable JavaScript to allow word definition popups</div>                            <br />                            <br />                        </noscript>                        <br />                        <span class="ht">The <span class="dwph" onmouseover="define(proverb)" onmouseout="nop()">Proverbs</span> of</span>                    </th>                </tr>                <tr>                    <th>                        <span class="ht">Solomon</span>                    </th>                </tr>                <tr>                    <td class="ct nt">                        <br />                        <br />                        The Argument                    </td>                </tr>                <tr>                    <td class="ct nt">                        <br />                        ...brief sentences, which partly contain <span class="dwph" onmouseover="define(doctrine)" onmouseout="nop()">doctrine</span>, and partly manners...                    </td>                </tr>            </table>        </td>    </tr></table><script>var w = '<table width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse"><tr><th class="ph">', d = '</th></tr><tr><td class="ct">', f = '</td></tr></table>';var proverb     = w + 'Proverb'    + d + 'A brief popular saying that gives advice...' + f;var doctrine    = w + 'Doctrine'   + d + 'A set of ideas or beliefs that are taught or believed to be true.' + f;var allure      = w + 'Allure'     + d + 'To entice by charm or attraction.' + f;var vSc = false;var hghlgd = false;var enablePop;var ppclss = document.getElementsByClassName("dwph");var wcou = ppclss.length;var pop = document.getElementById("popup");function define(word) {        // element.offset - element with padding and borders, ignores margin and decreases on scroll bar presence    // window.inner - browser window viewport including, if rendered, the scroll bar    // element.offset is always(?) 16 pixels less than window.inner    // And scroll bar is 17(?) pixels wide    if (document.body.offsetWidth + 16 != window.innerWidth) {        vSc = true;    } else {        vSc = false;    }    enablePop = true;    pop.innerHTML = word;    pop.style.visibility = "visible";}function nop() {    enablePop = false;    pop.style.visibility = "hidden";    /*        Official solution for IE's problem        - if word with function hook is inside last popup's render area, IE will reuse last popup's coordinates    */    pop.style.left = "-300px";}function getcrXY(cod) {    if (hghlgd == false) {        for (wnr = 0; wnr < wcou; wnr++) {            ppclss[wnr].style.textDecoration = "underline";            ppclss[wnr].style.cursor = "help";        }        hghlgd = true;    }    if (enablePop == true) {        var crX = cod.pageX, crY = cod.pageY;        var wiW = window.innerWidth;        var wpXO = window.pageXOffset;        var dboW = document.body.offsetWidth;                // #popup style makes popup 264 pixels wide                // Right edge without vertical scroll bar        // So... what adds 7 pixels to pageX?        if (vSc == false && crX + 132 - 7 >= dboW + wpXO) { // <-- FIRST MYSTERIOUS NUMBER            pop.style.left = wpXO + wiW - 264 + "px";        // With vertical scroll bar        } else if (vSc == true && crX + 132 - 7 >= dboW + wpXO) {            pop.style.left = wpXO + wiW - 264 - 17 + "px";        // Left edge        // 10 pixels? From where do these numbers come from?        } else if (crX - 132 + 10 < 0 + wpXO) { // <-- SECOND MYSTERIOUS NUMBER            pop.style.left = 0 + wpXO + "px";        // No obstructions        } else {            pop.style.left = crX - 132 + 10 + "px";        }        pop.style.top = crY + 30 + "px";    }}document.onmousemove = getcrXY;</script></body></html>
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