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Posts posted by tmore

  1. If you want to, can, and can figure out how, you might consider the following.


    see if you can call C or Python or assembly from HTML. you could also develop away to make python scripting for html(Im not sure if that exists yet but it might be fun)


    I don't really know whatelse. maybe you could post tutorials on how to stream content(audio and video) from a desktop to the internet


    just the more tutorials the merrier because it will help greatly in the future with development of the internet and of software in general. and hardware too


    oh yeah and you could write online versions of like Final Cut studio and video editing software if you want to.


    but yeah get creative and have a go at it you might enjoy it.


  2. Okay I know you guys are predominately website and html tutorials. So anyhow here goes nothing. I will get to html tutorials but if you want you should make electronic tutorials on making all passive analog computers with a user interface, all electronic cookware, all analog cnc machines and all analog recording studios. trust me i build rockets i actually know what the im doing on a computer.


    if you decide to post tutorials on that don't use IC chips, make your own circuits. Anyhow heres the good stuff! the stuff that you guys are looking for to post tutorials on.


    I am also looking for tutorials for how to write online(html versions) of the following software.

    libre office

    sixtyforce, or project 64

    operating systems

    Digital audio workstations like guitarix rakarrack lmms hydrogen JAMin, qsynth yoshimi ardour, rosegarden ableton etcetera.






    Also you could post tutorials on simulating the physics of the sun and the earth to create an accurate long range online weather forecasting software. I am looking for tutorials on writing html particle accellerator simulators as well as 3d flight simulators.


    You can also map the sea floor and incorporate that into your weather forecasting tool and forecast erosion on the beach due to wave action. you just have to simulate the physics of waves too.


    I could use some online electronic circuit simulators and electronic circuit design tutorials too.


    As well you could learn some DNA and stuff and do an online DNA simulator so that everyone can start designing plants.


    Anythinig else that seems interesting that I am missing you can have free reign on and code it and post tutorials on how to code everything!


    Itll help with development of the computer and will make the internet very interesting.


    you can also do online chemistry simulators. You could try and use math and science to determine how the elements will interact with eachother and therefore predict the physical properties of any molecule before you design and build it...im still a ways out on completing that project.


    you can also simulate every chemical reaction ever and start from there.


    Im going to grow chemicals that replicate the physics of all electronic components and im on my way but yeah you can just have this information. If nothing else it makes for good banter, and if you decide to develop this stuff it will help make the internet not be so boring to me.



    oh yeah you can also make arduino or raspberry pi driven kitchenware. like everything electric in your kitchen you can make it run from a raspberry pi or an arduino or you can make it analog.


    if i think of anything in the future ill let you know but for now have fun!


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