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Posts posted by SwartHack

  1. Greetings classmates! School is in session.
    It seems this is mostly a CSS question.
    So my apologies for any re-tread. I have seen numerous posts addressing similar, but can't seem to put it together.
    Any help or direction to existing solutions is greatly appreciated.
    I am Developing an ASP.NET/MVC5 web app. It uses bootstrap 3.
    I am new to bootstrap and never really got into CSS more than the basics.
    Question: How can I change/override the a:hover of a thumbnail to include a user-defined hoverscale?
    So in the thumbnail.less file I see:
    @thumbnailHoverScale : 1.3;
    a:hover img.thumbnail { 
    HoverScale is not a style attribute it seems so I can't override in standard local definition HTML style="..."!?!
    I do understand I can define a <style/> in local HTML to override, but again fail to comprehend exactly how.
    Here is my HTML:
    <div id="thumbnailContainer">
        <div class="thumbnail-loading-spinner"></div>
        <ul id="thumbnails" data-bind='template: {name:"thumbnailsTemplate", foreach: thumbnails}'></ul>
        <div class="admin"></div>
    and the template:
    <script id='thumbnailsTemplate' type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
            <a href="${Url}" data-vpath="${VPath}">
                <img class="thumbnail" src="${UrlThumbnail}" />
    So basically in the template, I want to override hoverscale just for just the generated thumbs.
    I have tried a number of style="" property definitions, then realized HoverScale is not a property.
    I also tried a number of variations like:
    ...class="thumbnail {HoverScale:2}"


    I think I am close on this one, possibly, but not sure how I would apply it to just the generated thumbs??

        a.thumbnail:hover { 
    with no joy.
    Anyone? Thanks!
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