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Posts posted by Md.Riyaz

  1. Thank you for your inputs Scientist,Dave and Ingolme.


    I was thinking I have declared input type as number so obviously the variable also should be variable. With Ingolme statement i came to know everything coming from the form will always be the string.





  2. Hello Gurus,


    I'm a beginner to the Java Script.


    While learning Arithmetic chapter, I just tried the below simple program. Everything is giving correct result except the addition operation.


    I tried my best to understand and produce the result.


    Could anyone point out/throw some light on what I'm doing wrong please.



    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <h1>Assigning Values</h1>

    <p>In JavaScript the = operator is used to assign values to variables.</p>
    <input type="number" id="a" value=5></input>
    <input type="number" id="b" value=1></input>
    <p id="+"></p>
    <p id="-"></p>
    <p id="YY"></p>
    <p id="*"></p>
    <p id="/"></p>

    var x = document.getElementById( "a" ).value;
    var y = document.getElementById( 'b' ).value;


    //document.getElementById("+").innerHTML = "Additon - " + (x + y) + typeof x;
    //document.getElementById("+").innerHTML = (x + y) + " - Additon" ;
    //document.getElementById("+").innerHTML = x + y;
    document.getElementById("+").innerHTML = Number(x) + y;


    document.getElementById("-").innerHTML = x - y ;
    document.getElementById("YY").innerHTML = "Subtraction - " + x - y ;
    document.getElementById("*").innerHTML = "Multiplication - " + x * y;
    document.getElementById("/").innerHTML = "Divide - " + x / y;




    Thanks in Advance.




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