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Posts posted by Systomx

  1. These are free: Notepad ++, Sublime Text 2, Netbeans (Java required), as far as I know, None of this use split screen that shows split screen of html code and WYSIWYG design view.


    The only editor with split screen of html code and WYSIWYG design view is Dreamweaver, but it can be expensive, but! note its not good practice to rely on design view as it does not always give a true result on how it will show in the actual browser, and you have browser compatibility, support inconsistency between different browsers, so the better option is to view the result of HTML, JavaScript, HTML in as many browsers as possible.

    OK. I have Notepad++, and I know how to use it. Thanks for your advise.

  2. I am using Amaya to edit html for the classes I teach. I have been trying to insert iframe tags into the html to display YouTube videos. I can successfully do this and save the results, but only if I do not return to the GUI screen and make any changes there. If I do make changes on the GUI screen, all the iframe tags are deleted. Here's a simplified version I've been using for testing:


    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <title>iframe test</title>
    <p>some text</p>
    <iframe src="http://www.w3schools.com"></iframe>
    This code runs fine and shows the W3 Schools window. But if I use Amaya to make changes in the GUI, by, say, changing "some text" to "more text," the line <iframe src="http://www.w3schools.com"></iframe> is stripped out.
    Can anyone tell me why Amaya does this, or how I can get Amaya to keep from stripping out my iframes?


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