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Posts posted by demor17

  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">

    This is what archaeologists, get excited about when they are digging for old relics, this should not be even considered unless using frames, which no one EVER uses this current present day.


    xhml 'strict' or 'transitional' doctypes are used instead. in your case 'transitional' see http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_doctype.asp because of older deprecated element ie <center>


    Using this relic means you will have to escape JavaScript coding, and specify attribute to pass validation check validation using https://validator.w3.org/


    You should IN fact! Use latest html5 doctype instead.



    Thank You!


    I changed the doctype but i still get the same error. :sorry:

  2. Hi Everyone! I've been working on a project but i keep getting an error in Line 16 its says "Error parsing attribute name". I've changed the code like 10 times still get the same error. If anyone can help id really appreciate it :good: Line 16 is the first FOR THANKS

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>CECS3214 Fall 2016 - Project #2</title>
    <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "text1.css"/>
    var radioNum = 10;
    var CorrectAnswer = cccdabcdab;
    var CompareAnswer = abcd;
    var radioTax = 10/radioNum;
    var CheckPoint = new Array(radioNum);
    for (i=0 ; i<radioNum; i++)
      CheckPoint[i]  = i*4 + CompareAnswer.indexOf(CorrectAnswer.charAt(i));
    function CheckSum ()
      var YourScore = 0;
      for (i=0; i<radioNum; i++)
        if (document.ANSWER.elements[CheckPoint[i]].checked == true)
          YourScore += radioTax;
      MyPress = "You scored " + YourScore + " points out of 10 in this test./n";
      if (YourScore == 10) { MyPress += "Excellent!!"; }
      else if (YourScore >= 8)  { MyPress += "Very good!"; }
      else if (YourScore >= 6)  { MyPress += "Nice effort, but you can do better!"; }
      else                       { MyPress += "Study harder!"; }
      return false;
    <body background = "background.jpg">
    <form name="ANSWER" onSubmit="return CheckSum()">
    <p class="sansserif">1) Which of the following is correct to write Hello World on the webpage?</p>
    <table width="537" border="1">
          <th width="273"><input type="radio" name="Q1" id="a1" value="radio"/>
          a) System.out.println("Hello World")</th>
          <th width="248"><input type="radio" name="Q1" id="a2" value="radio"/>
           print("Hello World")</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q1" id="a3" value="radio"/>
          c) document.write("Hello World")</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q1" id="a4" value="radio"/>
          response.write("Hello World")</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">2) Which of the following statements are false for JavaScript?</p>
    <table width="551" border="1">
          <th width="275"><input type="radio" name="Q2" id="a5" value="radio"/>
            a) JavaScript can react to events</th>
          <th width="260"><input type="radio" name="Q2" id="a6" value="radio"/>
             JavaScript can read and write HTML elements</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q2" id="a7" value="radio"/>
            c) JavaScript cannot be used to create cookies</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q2" id="a8" value="radio"/>
            d) both b and c</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">3) Which of the following are capable of  Java Script functions?</p>
    <table width="477" border="1">
          <th width="225"><input type="radio" name="Q3" id="a9" value="radio"/>
            a) Returning multiple values</th>
          <th width="236"><input type="radio" name="Q3" id="a10" value="radio"/>
             Accepting parameters and returning values</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q3" id="a11" value="radio"/>
            c) Accepting parameters</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q3" id="a12" value="radio"/>
            d) All of the above</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">4) Which of the following statements are true for Java Script?</p>
    <table width="500" border="1">
          <th width="241"><input type="radio" name="Q4" id="a13" value="radio"/>
            a) JavaScript is case sensitive</th>
          <th width="243"><input type="radio" name="Q4" id="a14" value="radio"/>
             JavaScript statements can be grouped together in blocks</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q4" id="a15" value="radio"/>
            c) Semicolon at the end of statement is mandatory</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q4" id="a16" value="radio"/>
            d) Both a and b above</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">5) If we dont want the script to write page content, under which HTML tag should the JS tag be placed?</p>
    <table width="510" border="1">
          <th width="216"><input type="radio" name="Q5" id="a17" value="radio"/>
             a) < body > area</th>
          <th width="278"><input type="radio" name="Q5" id="a18" value="radio"/>
             < head > area</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q5" id="a19" value="radio"/>
            c) any of a and b</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q5" id="a20" value="radio"/>
            d) none of the above</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">6) Which of the below is used in JavaScript to insert special characters?</p>
    <table width="416" border="1">
          <th width="182"><input type="radio" name="Q6" id="a21" value="radio"/>
            a) |</th>
          <th width="218"><input type="radio" name="Q6" id="a22" value="radio"/>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q6" id="a23" value="radio"/>
            c) -</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q6" id="a24" value="radio"/>
            d) %</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">7) Which is the correct way to write an array in JavaScript?</p>
    <table width="525" border="1">
          <th width="221"><input type="radio" name="Q7" id="a25" value="radio"/>
            a) var txt= new array(1:"arr",2:"kim",3:"jim")</th>
          <th width="288"><input type="radio" name="Q7" id="a26" value="radio"/>
             var txt= new array:1=("arr")2=("kim")3=("jim")</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q7" id="a27" value="radio"/>
            c) var txt= new array("arr","kim","jim")</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q7" id="a28" value="radio"/>
            d) var txt= new array="arr","kim","jim"</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">8) What is the alternate name for Java Script?</p>
    <table width="416" border="1">
          <th width="182"><input type="radio" name="Q8" id="a29" value="radio"/>
            a) LimeScript</th>
          <th width="218"><input type="radio" name="Q8" id="a30" value="radio"/>
             both a and d</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q8" id="a31" value="radio"/>
         c) ECMScript</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q8" id="a32" value="radio"/>
            d) ECMAScript</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">9) What is the symblo to comment out line in JavaScript?</p>
    <table width="416" border="1">
          <th width="182"><input type="radio" name="Q9" id="a33" value="radio"/>
            a) //This is a comment</th>
          <th width="218"><input type="radio" name="Q9" id="a34" value="radio"/>
             **This is a comment</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q9" id="a35" value="radio"/>
            %%This is a comment</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q9" id="a36" value="radio"/>
            **This is a comment**</th>
    <p> </p>
    <p class="sansserif">10) How do you create a variable x that is equal to the string "Hello"?</p>
    <table width="416" border="1">
          <th width="182"><input type="radio" name="Q10" id="a37" value="radio"/>
            a) string x = "Hello";</th>
          <th width="218"><input type="radio" name="Q10" id="a38" value="radio"/>
             var x = "Hello";</th>
          <th height="42"><input type="radio" name="Q10" id="a39" value="radio"/>
            c) text x = "Hello";</th>
          <th><input type="radio" name="Q10" id="a40" value="radio"/>
            c) strings x = "Hello";</th>
    <p> </p>
    <input type=SUBMIT class="myButton" value="SUBMIT"/>
    <input type=RESET class="myButton"  value="Erase All Answers"/>
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