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Posts posted by iGraphics

  1. Hello Everyone;

    Please Help me to make this:

    I want to make a page and inside this page input for text and submit button: (Like This Below):



    When someone write Text in the input for example run
    and when he click on Create should a new page open and Go to this Link:


    and if someone write hello in the input and click on Create should a new page open and Go to this Link:

    Please write this code for me smile.gif


  2. 21 hours ago, Ingolme said:

    Changing the URL of the page is the easy part, but you'll need either Javascript or PHP for it.

    In Javascript, you can change the URL by setting the value of location.href. You can get the value of the text field by reading its value property.

    If you actually want to filter videos you'll need a more complex system.

    Can you do this code for me please ? 

  3. Hello Everyone,

    How to make HTML Search Like Google But :

    For Example my link is example.com/videos

    When I want to make search for this word funny by HTML inbut and when I click submit button the result should be like this:



    How I do that, please ...


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